Don Bradman Cricket 14 PC PLAYABLE NOW!

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That's a fairly simplified view of the situation. I Think there's a lot of things at play but I would absolutely say cricket and games have never been more prominent. If Matts video of madness unfolding in Ashes can get to 150,000 views on YouTube imagine what a really good "Features List" video would do, showcasing the massive roll call of things in DBC14.

I don't think it's quite like that, but the negative reaction from the general public as well as the reaction here would absolutely given him pause. "What if we've missed something?" would be playing on his mind, he doesn't strike me as the kinda guy to not be sure he has his i's dotted, you know?

Maybe the extra time "given" by the Ashes fallout is a convenient excuse to shove the date a little to double-down on bug catching and game polishing?

I haven't always been totally convinced of 'the game is ready to go whenever' but I am totally convinced it's been a superior product all along. I think the caution comes more now from wanting to be absolutely certain there's nothing major they've missed.

Ive been saying since October that the game probably wasn't finished yet, I would say it now looks pretty likely that I have been right. Theres nothing wrong with delaying it to fix bugs, its a pro, but the line we've kept being fed that its ready to go was clearly not true when its missed the ideal release time to a game which they claim they knew was inferior all along.
Ive been saying since October that the game probably wasn't finished yet, I would say it now looks pretty likely that I have been right. Theres nothing wrong with delaying it to fix bugs, its a pro, but the line we've kept being fed that its ready to go was clearly not true when its missed the ideal release time to a game which they claim they knew was inferior all along.

Every game has bugs u can't make perfect
Big Ant are releasing the game when it is most beneficial for them. Not just you.

You would have thought during the ashes build up or during the ashes when interest in the sport would be ideal.

But Big Ant must havr done some crazy market research, crunched some crazy numbers and done some crazy behind the scene stuff to decide this game should be delayed.

Don't hate me for speculating, but could it be possible that this game had not yet been submitted to sony or microsoft for approval?
Can it be possible it HAD been been submitted but rejected maybe because iy was buggy or had issues?
Could it be possible that due to tje crap Mike Fegan was spitting Big Ant thought their game needed further improvements?

Whatever it is it seems Ross hasn't kept his word on a 2013 release date

Don't you think that there is only so much advertising or so many things you can do to make a cricket game a success?

In short; no.

With the right team and the right campaign you can sell anything to anyone no matter how good or bad. You also need the right amount of zeros in the budget. This is clearly a grass roots game with a big heart if Ross re-mortgaged his castle in South Melbourne he could probably pay for half a campaign from a huge agency but now is the time to strike, really. I don't think the budget is there for that sort of thing nor do I think the reaction from the general public to how bad Ashes was gives him much confidence that his title won't be confused for that one. I think that's the issue here. While I don't think people ARE that stupid, in reality, there's plenty of evidence to suggest people would genuinely believe any cricket title coming out now would suck because that's what the news is all about.

This game seems loaded with Online play in no other way than before, but none of that has been seen or tested publically. That may also be a concern for him, we all saw how botched online for SimCity and GTA went down, cricket is a much smaller thing but given the Ashes backlash, he wouldn't want to be the next cab off the rank and having major issues with online.

It's a complex situation and it's 50/50 which is the right direction to go in.

The third, unlikely scenario that is a reach, is that he puts a call into both cricket boards (ECB, CA) sends him a copy of the game, does a deal on licences and delays the game until next season to work in an official Ashes tournament and/or more licensed kit, players and more. Doubt that would happen, but I've no doubt he's probably been on the phone to Cricket Australia at the very least to see what can be done, they're clearly keen to get their brand in Cricket Games. PURE hypotheticals and speculation though.
In short; no.

With the right team and the right campaign you can sell anything to anyone no matter how good or bad. You also need the right amount of zeros in the budget. This is clearly a grass roots game with a big heart if Ross re-mortgaged his castle in South Melbourne he could probably pay for half a campaign from a huge agency but now is the time to strike, really. I don't think the budget is there for that sort of thing nor do I think the reaction from the general public to how bad Ashes was gives him much confidence that his title won't be confused for that one. I think that's the issue here. While I don't think people ARE that stupid, in reality, there's plenty of evidence to suggest people would genuinely believe any cricket title coming out now would suck because that's what the news is all about.

This game seems loaded with Online play in no other way than before, but none of that has been seen or tested publically. That may also be a concern for him, we all saw how botched online for SimCity and GTA went down, cricket is a much smaller thing but given the Ashes backlash, he wouldn't want to be the next cab off the rank and having major issues with online.

It's a complex situation and it's 50/50 which is the right direction to go in.

The third, unlikely scenario that is a reach, is that he puts a call into both cricket boards (ECB, CA) sends him a copy of the game, does a deal on licences and delays the game until next season to work in an official Ashes tournament and/or more licensed kit, players and more. Doubt that would happen, but I've no doubt he's probably been on the phone to Cricket Australia at the very least to see what can be done, they're clearly keen to get their brand in Cricket Games. PURE hypotheticals and speculation though.


You would have thought during the ashes build up or during the ashes when interest in the sport would be ideal.

But Big Ant must havr done some crazy market research, crunched some crazy numbers and done some crazy behind the scene stuff to decide this game should be delayed.

Don't hate me for speculating, but could it be possible that this game had not yet been submitted to sony or microsoft for approval?
Can it be possible it HAD been been submitted but rejected maybe because iy was buggy or had issues?
Could it be possible that due to tje crap Mike Fegan was spitting Big Ant thought their game needed further improvements?

Whatever it is it seems Ross hasn't kept his word on a 2013 release date
What u just said that means ashes game was unable to release on either PC Playstation or Xbox.If It got rejected (Not Seems though);Because animations are fantastic then Ashes is like a Mountain height distance behind it.
Ross I'm with u release it whenever you want.
I'm a straight shooter, this game has been nothing short of Lemony Snickets. As far as I am concerned Big Ant owes us nothing. But at this point we have to call a spade a spade. You are doing a World Premier and you "mistakenly" connect the "test build."

And now their greatest fear is people will confused Trashes Cricket for DBC 14 to me is hogwash. Plausible deniability will only take you so far.

All Big Ant has now is their word. They promised the game would be available in 2013 and I do believe it will be. Because this whole cricket game melodrama is kinda like meeting 2 ladies in person for the first time. One is a blind date who turns out to be ugly, and the other one has been teasing you for so long you start to lose interest.
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I'll certainly agree with you on the point of I'm about as far gone with discussion of this title that I could possibly be.

As you say, would just rather get on with getting to first base than talking on the minutiae of who's finger goes where...
See you guys in the new year, when we can all ask about the release date once more. Happy Holidays :cheers
That's a fairly simplified view of the situation. I Think there's a lot of things at play but I would absolutely say cricket and games have never been more prominent. If Matts video of madness unfolding in Ashes can get to 150,000 views on YouTube imagine what a really good "Features List" video would do, showcasing the massive roll call of things in DBC14.

I don't think it's quite like that, but the negative reaction from the general public as well as the reaction here would absolutely given him pause. "What if we've missed something?" would be playing on his mind, he doesn't strike me as the kinda guy to not be sure he has his i's dotted, you know?

Maybe the extra time "given" by the Ashes fallout is a convenient excuse to shove the date a little to double-down on bug catching and game polishing?

I haven't always been totally convinced of 'the game is ready to go whenever' but I am totally convinced it's been a superior product all along. I think the caution comes more now from wanting to be absolutely certain there's nothing major they've missed.

This is pretty much what I've been saying and thinking for a LONG LONG time now but members couldn't handle being told the game isn't finished. As I said the whole "waiting for ashes" fiasco doesn't add up. However as duded said it's not a bad thing, just pretty "sad" that we've been told some patty foot stories when the real situation seems pretty obvious.

Just a side note has the game been officially delayed? I can't read through atm and yeah I also didn't buy the "test" build saga tbh just non of it adds up imo.


They wouldn't have showed their game openly then.:rolleyes

You know what's really funny for literally MONTHS on end I've been saying this game isn't ready, you don't behave how BA have with a ready and finished game. There's just so many things that I can't even be bothered to get into but I just don't understand people like you? There was a broken game at the playtest and it was a "mistake" then the ton of other stuff that doesn't add up "oh the retailers" but then as soon as ashes is pulled "oh now ashes again" sure probably did have an impact but it's been quite clear for months ross hasn't been straight shooting as he has lead many fanboys to believe.

Not going to go into it too much as it will just cause flame, but as I said months ago ross is nothing but a developer, he is here because he wants your money at the end of the day, yet people are taking him as some sort of lord and savior, truth of all lies xD

quite hilarious. remember all you have to do is just make some wide open statements then you can always track back to them and say "well i never said it'd be this, this and this"

whens the release date?
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If don bradman release next year all the hype will lost. And if he looking for good sales more delay will be more lost watch my words it's not gonna help him
Ross has been completely up front and honest about the game since day one. If he says the wrong build was brought to the play session by mistake, why would you assume he wasn't telling the truth. People AT the play session have corroborated this statement.

I'm going to believe Matt every time over you, because he was there and you were not.

Why is this even a thing now?

I understand we're all a bit gunshy and burnt but I honestly can't see some of you guys as genuine gaming fans when you're out to burn this game before you've actually played it. Why not take the glass half full approach?
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