Don Bradman Cricket 14 PC PLAYABLE NOW!

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Flipkart and Game4u are the best online retailer for games...You can contact them so that they can start pre-ordering the game....:yes

From what I know, Flipkart does not import games directly (correct me if I am wrong). The games are imported either by Milestone Interactive whose retail arm is called Game4U, or by E-Xpress Interactive whose retail arm is called GameShopRetail. These two are the biggest distributors in India (for games) and almost 'every' retailer is dependent on them for stocks.
My publisher will hate me for saying this but I never pre-order a game unless there is something I would otherwise not be able to get.

this guy gets it (tm)

I preorder cricket games solely because they are not usually 100% guaranteed to be stocked in Scotland (and Amazon/ are usually quite cheap); but if I was in a place that stocked the game in stores for a decent price, then I wouldn't bother preordering and would buy day 1. Its not gonna be sold out on release, and unless you're getting it for a ridiculous price, then I wouldn't even bother pre-ordering it. Online purchases are different, but if you're getting it from a shop...
So what's the final news?is there any chance it to release in 2013?I have seen a pre order link saying the game will release on 31st Jan 2014! give me a hint atleast....:rolleyes
So what's the final news?is there any chance it to release in 2013?I have seen a pre order link saying the game will release on 31st Jan 2014! give me a hint atleast....:rolleyes

As soon as Ross knows for 'sure' if he can release it this year, he will let us know. There is no other reason for him to not tell you when the game will be released dude, as there is no other reason to hide it from us.
We will be endeavouring to ship to all nations at the same time, indeed this is now the major stumbling block to getting the game on shelves for 2013.

Is that enough of a hint.

He has literally said they're trying to do it this year, but it is clearly no guarantee.
At least it sounds like all the distributors/retailers are on board to give it a go.

Without reading too much into it. Sounds like a logistics thing.
I've promised the children down at the local orphanage that I will buy the game for them before the end of the year. I'd hate to let them down. Think of the orphans Ross, the orphans.

Ross is trying his best to get the game out this year. Hope he succeeds and make us all very happy indeed :)
So what's the final news?is there any chance it to release in 2013?I have seen a pre order link saying the game will release on 31st Jan 2014! give me a hint atleast....:rolleyes

Ok, so Ross actually told me privately the release date, but he did it in cryptic puzzle so I hope you are good at maths!

Take the number of balls bowled by Tim May in his test career, multiply it by the number of balls faced by Mathew Elliot in his career, divide by the average age of the current bangladesh team, minus the cost of Bruce Reid's first home mortgage and then finally add the number of times the word "spank"appears in the bible...
And there you have it! Use your calculator, a bit of research, read the bible and watch what happens, you will know the exact release date I promise!! No joke...
Ok, so Ross actually told me privately the release date, but he did it in cryptic puzzle so I hope you are good at maths!

Take the number of balls bowled by Tim May in his test career, multiply it by the number of balls faced by Mathew Elliot in his career, divide by the average age of the current bangladesh team, minus the cost of Bruce Reid's first home mortgage and then finally add the number of times the word "spank"appears in the bible...
And there you have it! Use your calculator, a bit of research, read the bible and watch what happens, you will know the exact release date I promise!! No joke...

I actually just did that, and I'm pretty sure I worked out the meaning of life while I was at it. Thank you for this enlightening and life-changing experience, I promise to cherish it forever


We will be endeavouring to ship to all nations at the same time, indeed this is now the major stumbling block to getting the game on shelves for 2013.

This is sounding a lot more optimistic.
Yep, sounds like it's just around the corner now depending on logistics which is fantastic. :)

I assume that if you're doing a digital release it will be after the retail release (so as to avoid upsetting the retailers).

Is this likely to be the case? Being in Japan at the moment, Steam is probably my only hope - was hoping for a same day release. :noway
Digital release will not be at the same time as retail, it is not permitted.
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