Don Bradman Cricket 14 PC PLAYABLE NOW!

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He never said that.....stop making up sh*t. He just said there would be 'some' news before Friday! That 'some' news may or may not be related to the release date.

No we decided to blow it out of proportion again......

to be fair, the context was reasonably clear that the news would be about the release date. doesn't mean it will be "the" release date, but one is hopeful it would be either the date (if 2013 is on) or at least "sorry, we've scratched backs and pulled knobs etc. but can't make 2013 work"...

think BRAB covered it quite well earlier.
Also I read someone thinking he might just say they are still working towards a date. Well if that was the case I'm sure he could just tell us now. No, the impatient ones have a point on this one. We really should get the release date in this 'news'.

Yes I second that. Am sure Ross wil be giving us a release date this time around. :)
It's a comment by Jedi Warrior on the petition.


I am a mere 99 signatures away from completing my dreamSimply put, I cannot afford a gamepadThe ball is in your court Ross, or should I say, RUSE
FIFA has keyboard controls. Maybe you should follow THIEIR lead.Watch yourself.Be afraidVery AfraidI am watchingPLEASE SIGN GUYS, WE ARE SO CLOSE

I have been banned from Planet Cricket for some inexplicable reason
To them, I hope they all die.
To the rest of my supporters, if we get ONE HUNDRED signatures, Ross will be FORCED to not be a racist fish and make keyboards useable! This is a conspiracy to get XBOX more money buy forcing us to buy gamepads! I wish for my indian comrades to unite! we are the BIGGEST market, let us vote with our wallets!!

Oh.... wow. This is insane!!
That's brilliant, I hadn't seen the second comment.

The message just above the comment reads:
Skater is a C*** and MattW banned *****slayah for no reason

Hmm, I think there might be a minor reason there somewhere.

Who was the idiot who has joined the petition? Only 98 to go now until nothing happens.
That's brilliant, I hadn't seen the second comment.

The message just above the comment reads:
Skater is a C*** and MattW banned *****slayah for no reason

Hmm, I think there might be a minor reason there somewhere.

Who was the idiot who has joined the petition? Only 98 to go now until nothing happens.

Who you ask? Well he has 3 alter ego's as far as i know on here in the last 1/2 hour, so wouldn't doubt 1,000,000 in the next 2 days not out of the question
well we can assume from the profiles here he has 3 email accounts, so it's actually interesting that one of his alter-egos doesn't agree with him.
That's brilliant, I hadn't seen the second comment.

The message just above the comment reads:
Skater is a C*** and MattW banned *****slayah for no reason

Hmm, I think there might be a minor reason there somewhere.

Who was the idiot who has joined the petition? Only 98 to go now until nothing happens.

Fame at last.
I had the intention of getting an early night but this is the funniest thing on PC since Ashes 13 released.
well we can assume from the profiles here he has 3 email accounts, so it's actually interesting that one of his alter-egos doesn't agree with him.

He probably has a Mac (stolen). It takes a while for him to log in and out of his accounts with a white mouse and computer.
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Originally Posted by ChinamanSpin View Post

It's a comment by Jedi Warrior on the petition.

I am a mere 99 signatures away from completing my dreamSimply put, I cannot afford a gamepadThe ball is in your court Ross, or should I say, RUSE
FIFA has keyboard controls. Maybe you should follow THIEIR lead.Watch yourself.Be afraidVery AfraidI am watchingPLEASE SIGN GUYS, WE ARE SO CLOSE
I have been banned from Planet Cricket for some inexplicable reason
To them, I hope they all die.
To the rest of my supporters, if we get ONE HUNDRED signatures, Ross will be FORCED to not be a racist fish and make keyboards useable! This is a conspiracy to get XBOX more money buy forcing us to buy gamepads! I wish for my indian comrades to unite! we are the BIGGEST market, let us vote with our wallets!!

He is still posting, this is hillarious
Done with my pre-order @EBgames for me and friends. All set to hear the good news:thumbs

Thanks Ross for developing the best game of 2013 for me
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