Don Bradman Cricket 14 PC PLAYABLE NOW!

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Well done. You've made a 50/50 guess without any confirmation as to whether you are correct or not.
I just hope for everyone sake if the news is not what we all want people don't go crazy as they expected way to much.:spy
Try again Lee. It's not an opinion when he is just making stuff up and claiming it to be fact. He claims he 'has a source', and it's already been proven to be crap.
Well done for instantly flaming someone's opinion on the release date.

Comes as standard with BlowyCasanova, Ross number 1 bitch

Some people just can not be nice a Lee. ;) PS Does your wife no the little secret you have been keeping Lee, come out mate.:p
Some people just can not be nice a Lee. ;) PS Does your wife no the little secret you have been keeping Lee, come out mate.:p

Second part of your post I'm not been gonna give it the time of day, a really bad attempt at humour 79.

First part,, it's not about being nice, it's about reading page after page of people bumming up BA or Ross

Now to me that is fine, you feel that way you crack on, but when someone questions Ross or the release date or methods behind the release date, you are then a troll, or you are just stirring.

When I say I think this release date fiasco has been handled badly that is my opinion, I'm not saying it to troll or dig out Ross, I say as I see, does not mean I am right, opinions can be wrong

And again, I still think it will release in 2014, I have no inside info obviously, it's just what I think, and if that is the case then it is what it is. Life goes on
think there is a diff though Lee between you saying "i think it's 2014" (and right now i guess most of us do, so late in this year) and the other guy claiming to have a source that it's definitely 2014. lord knows snowy and i won't be inviting each other to go on a walking tour of the lake district, but he had a point this time.
You feeling ok Lee, that is the best post I have seen of yours mate. PS I think this release date business has been going way to long, I just want to know so I know when I can get the game.

PS 2014 I agree there.
Second part of your post I'm not been gonna give it the time of day, a really bad attempt at humour 79.

First part,, it's not about being nice, it's about reading page after page of people bumming up BA or Ross

Now to me that is fine, you feel that way you crack on, but when someone questions Ross or the release date or methods behind the release date, you are then a troll, or you are just stirring.

When I say I think this release date fiasco has been handled badly that is my opinion, I'm not saying it to troll or dig out Ross, I say as I see, does not mean I am right, opinions can be wrong

And again, I still think it will release in 2014, I have no inside info obviously, it's just what I think, and if that is the case then it is what it is. Life goes on

Well done Lee! I fully agree with your opinion. One of the very few unbiased posts before the Ross Army jumps. Anything negative is considered trolling here, which is a shame.
Anything negative is considered trolling here, which is a shame.

I'm sorry but that's crap. Lazy posts like this grounded in total ignorance really annoy me sometimes.

There are masses of examples of people disagreeing and criticising in a constructive way. None of them are labelled as trolls.
Try again Lee. It's not an opinion when he is just making stuff up and claiming it to be fact. He claims he 'has a source', and it's already been proven to be crap.

Sorry but is this the FBI or some important court case where you must have some fact for every little thing you say? Just seriously pull your head out it's a forum NO need for "fact fact fact fact" give fact....It was his opinion get over it.
Yeh...except it wasn't an opinion.

I cannot reveal the source as that would place them under pressure.

Next time I won't mention any news...

He was talking crap.
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It is reasonable to have an opinion and without knowing inside info then it may appear that the release date has been badly handled.

In my opinion it has been badly handled in only one major sense - I have shared too much and too early, I thought the journey could be shared on this forum. In retrospect I should not have not let anyone have any info at all and let everyone run with the "big aint cricket" right up until I had the disks in my hands because then you would have nothing to complain about. Nothing, because you wouldn't know it existed. Would it effect my sales not to have shared on here? NO! Not a jot!

I would request benefit of the doubt about my abilities in this industry based on what I have delivered thus far to this site and at the playsession. I think that is reasonable.
I'm sorry but that's crap. Lazy posts like this grounded in total ignorance really annoy me sometimes.

There are masses of examples of people disagreeing and criticising in a constructive way. None of them are labelled as trolls.

The same "guy" will claim that anyone that says anything positive is a fanboy.

Standard procedure is to slam positive posts, slam the writer, and then claim they have some sort of association with me, as if I enlist people here and have anything to do with anything anyone else posts. Why drag me into it? Let people have their own opinions, they're all fit to defend themselves, leave me out of it.
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