Don Bradman Cricket 14 PC PLAYABLE NOW!

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I run a successful business. But I don't go on public forums to:
a) openly bad mouth competitors
b) engage in adolescent scraps with my customers, even though they may bait me into it (this ooIoo stuff - what was that all about???)
c) Release information about my product that I may not be able to keep my word on (eg: The game WILL be released in 2013)
d)Exhibit my product at a "World Premiere" unfinished in a public forum. This could potentially be very damaging.

Its fantastic that Ross has interacted with his customer base, and I think there is a lot to gain from doing this. But I think he should should consider some PR training before doing it in the future because its dangerous to go beyond the realms of professionalism sometimes.

From what I remember, someone was involved in the development of an AFL game (it might of been Ross actually - dont quote me on it, it was about 7 years ago) a while back to this extent. But it was kept professional and good natured throughout the whole process.

Like anyone who offers a product or service, they are going to be at the whim of feedback from the customer. The same goes for any high profile person. They should have the skills to deal with this appropriately or else they might be knocking on trouble's door. Like Ross is with this pressure about the release date. Like Davey Warner with his twitter rantings. Things can go badly if they aren't handled correctly.
I've promised to stick in here and am, I won't be running away.

Next project will be different, I will likely read a lot more than I post and share only what is 100% confirmed as predictions, if wrong, are not handled well on here (and elsewhere either), indeed the word "promise" is used far too often with regard to what really were best guesses and predictions.

Ross i guess its all part and parcel of interacting with your would be customers (mostly),
It would be a mutual loss if you chose to stop these interactions .
You wont get this kind of feedback and suggestions ,that you get from the core group of the community elsewhere, not from surveys,not from brainstorming with a group of devs.
You should also remember the level of support you have received.
Ashes13 was removed single handedly by the vocal support of this forum members.

well there are going to be trolls, buggers,from time to time just put them on your ignore list as usual,sometimes its even fun to deal with those.

A lot of us here appreciate what you have done ross ,even though we dont shower you with praises for it,most would remember/appreciate this journey were a cricket game was built with the ceo of the company interacting almost on a daily basis,Hope there is the same mutual feeling/respect from you.
Incase you havnt noticed,there is a thread already talking about features for the next iteration of DBC :D even before the first game is released,thats the kind of the community you are with, deal with it:thumbs:cheers
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This disappoints me more than boring release date shenanigans... If this turns out to be true, a hearty f#%k you to the pedantic dicks here, who don't get how incredibly cool it has been to have open access to Ross and this game for the past year or more, something that has never ever happened in PlanetCricket history and has not only raised the profile of the forum but the quality among our membership.

If this pans out and we get less Ross and less info, Matt, Snowy and I are forming an Avengers team and coming for you assholes in the night...


The Avengers aren't obese :p
Being assistant manager at Mcdonalds doesn't count no matter how much you may be "lovin' it"

Again more members jumping on someone when they make a point of questioning Ross or BA.

So because he has hated on BA it means he can't have a successful business.?...

Do me a favour! :facepalm
There will be more news to come. I will outline where we are at and what is to come when able, before Friday.

today or 2moro? not sure even about this ross?.you still looking for 2013 release ross? or it is just like xx-0x-2013?.please confirm. don't take this query negatively.
Again more members jumping on someone when they make a point of questioning Ross or BA.

So because he has hated on BA it means he can't have a successful business.?...

Do me a favour! :facepalm

Fully agree :cheers
He can have his opinion but no one will take him seriously because of all the crap he posted previously.
From a place of love, does this come my man... but...

So because he has hated on BA it means he can't have a successful business?...

No, as has been posted many times plenty of people have levelled plenty of constructive criticism, especially of late. But; Someone who claims to "run a successful business" by ragging out another guy who actually isn't hiding his actual successful business behind a username, really shouldn't be throwing stones.

Oh and, Superstuff is a bit of a dick himself, so again... pot, kettle, etc. Also...

The Avengers aren't obese :p

Internet "fat jokes" = Successful Businessman dot com.
And it essentially boils down to Ross shouldn't post anything because it might be 'unprofessional'. I know as a consumer I'd much rather something being unprofessional and honest, than filtered marketing speak and only showing the game in its best light prior to release.

I don't want to be marketed to on a discussion forum - they have their press releases and official trailers for that.

Instead, an overwhelmingly constructive engagement from Big Ant as a company has resulted in this game being better than it otherwise would have been. There are features from the official announcement that are only in there because of the engagement with this site about what's important to us. It would have still sold just as well had they not done that - because he could have chosen to treat the public in a cynical manner, that they'd buy anything because it's a cricket game. We've seen that in action with Ashes.

I will entirely defend Ross' interaction with the community, because it is absolutely the ideal for any company in terms of what matters to us as fans of cricket games - even if it doesn't fit the ideal from a marketing course. I hope he continues to be just as 'unprofessional' in the future, because it is going to get us far closer to the ideal cricket game as we've ever had.

People aren't being fans of the game because they think they are going to get something out of it, people are simply and rightly appreciative of someone coming along and actually responding and reacting to feedback in a genuine way that shapes the product.
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