Don Bradman Cricket 14 PC PLAYABLE NOW!

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If it was a release date, I imagine tru blue would announce at the same time, so I can't see a definitive date announced tonight, Tru Blu usually announce things way before now

I would have to agree with you 100%. Its already 8:30pm in Australia. If there was supposed to be an official announcement on the release date, it would have happened by now.

The only thing to look forward to now is Ross coming and telling us where we stand with respect to the game releasing this year. And since Ross has decided to not tell us anything till its 100% confirmed, I doubt he would say anything at all today.
Don't think time in Aus makes much diff, didnt the official trailer get released at 11pm Aus time? And definitely the replay video did because it was 12 noon in the UK!
So the website is slow for a few others, that is great.

I agree Angad, we're probably not hearing anything at all from Ross tonight, it is a shame, but hopefully I am wrong
keep refreshing...keep refreshing ....release release .........

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I look forward to the reading the posts of disappointed individuals who are reading too much in to everything

can you explain how people have read too much into it?

glenny asked ross if it was true he was announcing the release date on friday, and ross answered there would be news before friday.

it is not reading too much into it to expect there to be news *about* the release date.

maybe expecting "the" release date is too much, but even that reading is not entirely unsupported by the exchange.

and why would you look forward to others being disappointed. since they'd only be disappointed by there not being a release date. so you don't want a release date announced today, just to annoy other people who you think read to much into a statement that very few people here think was equivocal in any way? that's bizarre, and mean-spirited.
can you explain how people have read too much into it?

glenny asked ross if it was true he was announcing the release date on friday, and ross answered there would be news before friday.

it is not reading too much into it to expect there to be news *about* the release date.

maybe expecting "the" release date is too much, but even that reading is not entirely unsupported by the exchange.

Can I speak for myself before everyone starts saying I did this and that....

I think this song explains it all :cheers
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can you explain how people have read too much into it?

glenny asked ross if it was true he was announcing the release date on friday, and ross answered there would be news before friday.

it is not reading too much into it to expect there to be news *about* the release date.

maybe expecting "the" release date is too much, but even that reading is not entirely unsupported by the exchange.

and why would you look forward to others being disappointed. since they'd only be disappointed by there not being a release date. so you don't want a release date announced today, just to annoy other people who you think read to much into a statement that very few people here think was equivocal in any way? that's bizarre, and mean-spirited.

I'm being slightly facetious
Ross is back online :p.....this time checking his subscribed threads (I wonder if this thread is still in that list :p)
As has been said, Ross has barely been online today at all. He came online for about ten minutes, read one thread and then went offline again. He's obviously been busy with his other responsibilities, quite possibly (or even probably) strongly related to whatever this news actually is. I'm sure he'll fill us in if he has time, even if it's to say there's no news just yet.

Some people need to relax and get some perspective, I think. At the end of the day we're not going to remember this game for whether we found out the release date on the 12th of December or the 13th of December, or indeed whether it came out in December or February; we're going to remember it for the quality of it, good or bad. It's true to an extent that the endless sycophancy on this website from some individuals is almost as annoying as the trolling, but I think the criticism needs to be saved for things that actually matter. Learning what the release date actually is won't make the release itself come any quicker, after all.
As has been said, Ross has barely been online today at all. He came online for about ten minutes, read one thread and then went offline again. He's obviously been busy with his other responsibilities, quite possibly (or even probably) strongly related to whatever this news actually is. I'm sure he'll fill us in if he has time, even if it's to say there's no news just yet.

Some people need to relax and get some perspective, I think. At the end of the day we're not going to remember this game for whether we found out the release date on the 12th of December or the 13th of December, or indeed whether it came out in December or February; we're going to remember it for the quality of it, good or bad. It's true to an extent that the endless sycophancy on this website from some individuals is almost as annoying as the trolling, but I think the criticism needs to be saved for things that actually matter. Learning what the release date actually is won't make the release itself come any quicker, after all.

Wise words Whitcat...

Are you lost?
As has been said, Ross has barely been online today at all. He came online for about ten minutes, read one thread and then went offline again. He's obviously been busy with his other responsibilities, quite possibly (or even probably) strongly related to whatever this news actually is. I'm sure he'll fill us in if he has time, even if it's to say there's no news just yet.

Some people need to relax and get some perspective, I think. At the end of the day we're not going to remember this game for whether we found out the release date on the 12th of December or the 13th of December, or indeed whether it came out in December or February; we're going to remember it for the quality of it, good or bad. It's true to an extent that the endless sycophancy on this website from some individuals is almost as annoying as the trolling, but I think the criticism needs to be saved for things that actually matter. Learning what the release date actually is won't make the release itself come any quicker, after all.

You dug your claws into that one.
It would be nice if everyone calmed down right meow.
Although it would be nice if Ross let the cat of the bag.
Maybe a cat got his tongue.
There has been a long paws between his posts.
Something about pussy etc etc :p

I think I'm actually going mad
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