Don Bradman Cricket 14 PC PLAYABLE NOW!

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Have to agree with you. Not all critique is trolling. And it is dissapointing that the game hadn't released and the article is balanced in that fact. The article doesn't critisize ba and that sense but states that it was a dissapointing year for cricket games. We thought we had two games to be coming out. We had none = dissapointing.
ok dutch im also disappointed the game didnt release ,
but how the hell is it the 'disappointment of the year' and how does it share the same space with AC13 especially in the title.

generally saying im disappointed the game got delayed is different from calling it the disappointment of the year..probably a he should put a separate post for delayed games..

isnt it misleading whoever sees that is going to think of them as equal ... do you feel thats true?


This is unbelievable, when I say unbelievable I mean unbelievable. This forum is unbelievable. Jesus....sorry I was out of the loop for a bit and I just read some of the comments from other threads. I have never in my life seen a game given so much leeway, and at the same time seems beyond reproach by its "fans." I can't stress enough I am a business man so I try to think logically as best I can. I read in another forum a guy pointed out there was an exploit where you could hit everything on the leg side until Big Ant patched it last week which is what should happen. Now instead of joining to calls to fix the exploits some of the "fans" on this site decided to bury their heads in the sand with comments like "it happens it every game" or "you cant expect it to be perfect" or "if you dont like it you can go play another game" JESUS H. CHRIST! So what if a magazine says its a disappointment for not being released when it says it would be released, we are starting a petition? all I can say.

They have already fixed the exploit in the current net version..

he called it disappointment of year and shared same namespace with AC13.totaly unfair and shows lack of research on part of the author.

And there is an difference between giving feedback,criticizing and trolling.
ok dutch im also disappointed the game didnt release ,
but how the hell is it the 'disappointment of the year' and how does it share the same space with AC13 especially in the title.

generally saying im disappointed the game got delayed is different from calling it the disappointment of the year..probably a he should put a separate post for delayed games..

isnt it misleading whoever sees that is going to think of them as equal ... do you feel thats true?


They have already fixed the exploit in the current net version..

he called it disappointment of year and shared same namespace with AC13.totaly unfair and shows lack of research on part of the author.

And there is an difference between giving feedback,criticizing and trolling.

1. I know they fixed it which is why I said they did in my post.

2. I agree Trashes Cricket was madness on a stick not a fare comparison, also to the best of my knowledge, I would like to believe the game is 100% done, so to the delay was due to marketing more than development. But the fact a day one patch would have followed the release is now leading me to believe the game was not quite done, also coupled with the fact a "test build" was used at the public play session. As you can tell I am overly realistic sorry let me throw the "cult" a bone pessimistic.

3. I agree 100%, there is a significant difference, but, the "fans" I mean the "cult" here don't seem to know the difference, or, that persons are entitled to their opinions. They don't seem to get that highlighting a bug does not equal denigration.
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I think the feedback and communication between the game dev and this community is well represented by the nets and game themself.

In every forum there is going to be equal share of cult followers and trolls ,it has to be dealt with ,but its the people inbetween the middleclass that are the driving force of an engaging community and i think PC is right in that regard .:cheers
I started the thread about the 'batting loophole', as I called it, which meant that you could hit all shots to leg off, the back foot with 99% chance of success. I wasn't chastised for raising the question. Raising issues in a polite and reasonable manner should be encouraged. This ensures that when the game goes on sale it is as free of problems as possible even if it has a day one patch.
yes I agree with you that it looks bad if the games get mentioned in the same article like this and that may be perceived as not very helpful. However not everyone is privvy to the explanations and details as to why the game was put back. People will see that as dissapointing and see it as a symptom of the state of cricket games generally.

I think the point topanaris is making is that people don't always distinguish enough between utter trolling and opinions of people.

Genuine opinions should be able to stand next to other opinions, whether they agree with each other or not. It is up to others to decide for themselves which opinion they wish to support or come up with their own opinion.
zombieian, Ducth and grkarma. It is somewhat refreshing to have meaning discourse while not being on the same side. Much appreciated. zombieian, my take on reading your posts regarding the exploit was you seem somewhat apologetic about highlighting the issue. Maybe you are generally a reserved person but I just assumed (although one must never) you wanted to lay the bad news as gently as possible to not upset the masses.
yes I agree with you that it looks bad if the games get mentioned in the same article like this and that may be perceived as not very helpful. However not everyone is privvy to the explanations and details as to why the game was put back. People will see that as dissapointing and see it as a symptom of the state of cricket games generally.
i would agree if i was just sharing a list on a forum or in comments, but as an author publishing a list of games that has disappointed that year ,he should have done his research before hand and been more responsible before stating assumptions as facts. also he hasnt mentioned watchdogs ,so many games got delayed, apart from dbc all other games he has mentioned are he has been disappointed due to being bugged.
you and i and people here can appreciate him not being privy to facts but the prob is he has spread wrong info without checking or done this wantedly...which is his fault and i hope he corrects it.

I think the point topanaris is making is that people don't always distinguish enough between utter trolling and opinions of people.

Genuine opinions should be able to stand next to other opinions, whether they agree with each other or not. It is up to others to decide for themselves which opinion they wish to support or come up with their own opinion.
And if you noticed in that thread I made it clear that people should be criticising where appropriate to help the devs improve the game.
Most of the negative comments are directed at people who haven't bothered reading anything before posting (usually a release date they found somewhere) or are making points that might have been valid once but have been addressed an infinite number of times.
I've yet to see anyone shot down for making constructive criticism.
zombieian, Ducth and grkarma. It is somewhat refreshing to have meaning discourse while not being on the same side. Much appreciated. zombieian, my take on reading your posts regarding the exploit was you seem somewhat apologetic about highlighting the issue. Maybe you are generally a reserved person but I just assumed (although one must never) you wanted to lay the bad news as gently as possible to not upset the masses.

You are correct on both counts topanaris.;) British reserve and politeness.:eek:
A lot of time and effort has gone into making the best possible cricket game. I don't think I am in a position to criticise, only to make observations and report issues, as I see them.
I've yet to see anyone shot down for making constructive criticism.

I'm sure I can do something about that! Oh wait, you said constructive so that's me out.
Also is it just me or is there a 60% drop in bullshit on the last few pages? Or is that just to do with Biggs not being around?!
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I read in another forum a guy pointed out there was an exploit where you could hit everything on the leg side until Big Ant patched it last week which is what should happen.

The only thing they really fixed was adding more variation to the deliveries from the machine. It's not like there was some massive game breaking bug.
The only thing they really fixed was adding more variation to the deliveries from the machine. It's not like there was some massive game breaking bug.

His point was that people are often flamed even if they give genuine criticism or speak their opinion. However experience shows that generally people only get flamed for being utter twats and there are a few of those swimming about....
Who is this Biggs bloke?

Biggs the mighty Troll killer, will be back soon would be my guess. Still as others have said the last few pages have been quite nice to read for once.

My take on the article is a little harsh but not wrong at the same time, last year was a hard year for cricket games that's for sure. I think he should have added that there was some hope with BDC14 to release this year.

1st of Feb is coming fast and what would people on here and around the world do if Bigant delay the game till say the end of the year. I am hoping for good news as much as everyone else but I am not getting my hopes up again.

PS Zombieian did the right thing, if you want to have a say on here be nice as some of the fans will shoot you down fast if you don't. In the end all we want is a great to good cricket games and we have to wait as well there is nothing else out there.:(Ashes 2013)clap

PS Peace to everyone and let's hope we get some good news soon for once on the 1st of Feb.:thumbs
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