Don Bradman Cricket 14 PC PLAYABLE NOW!

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As above, we had dates in mind but they were flexible, indeed very flexible when the competition cancelled their June 21st, July, and August dates.

I thank you for acknowledging the Australia statement - so rarely done on here to the point that I didn't expect that at all :thumbs:thumbs

Wow wow they are they on u should stand for ur self not on other u have to have ball
Looking at some comments where some folks are blindly confident(more of impatience) of this getting cancelled,


Only delusional trolls could make such statements.

No one could "cancel" it as I have paid for it and own it.
Hey Ross.... that dude bought a Geeeetarrrrr with his money he was going to spend on your game.... how much is it geez??? ;)
No, he said they had an idea of when they would like to release/aim to release. This 'target' changed because competitive circumstances changed. He has been extremely consistent in saying they have never had a set date, internal or external

It is almost as if people can't/don't want to read

I thought he said they have a set date or dates that isn't going to change apart from a week before or after....I swear this was said, anywho not a big deal :)

As above, we had dates in mind but they were flexible, indeed very flexible when the competition cancelled their June 21st, July, and August dates.

I thank you for acknowledging the Australia statement - so rarely done on here to the point that I didn't expect that at all :thumbs:thumbs

Don't mind me I was just having some fun on the last page :) and yeah it's not the most civil place ;)
a cute little countdown. Maybe you guys can stare a that for a while instead of attacking Ross over it?

Awesome! Only 8421273 seconds to go (at most).

Good idea, but what about Perth time? Wouldn't midnight in Western Australia be the latest possible time in Australia? :p

Maybe it should be at GMT-12, just to cover the whole world, as Ross never said based on the location when in 2013 it was going to be released.
I may only have been one customer but im sure I am not the only one. Adios.

Don't let the door hit you on the way out. You won't be missed.

I thought he said they have a set date or dates that isn't going to change apart from a week before or after...

Just like 90% of the things you've said, you're just making stuff up ( wearing a Balkeet mask by chance?). What Ross said MONTHS ago is they had a date planned based on the Ashes release date, because y'know... this is business and they have to plan around the competition in the marketplace. THEN the Ashes date imploded, so plans changed. Now (and it's been said in plenty of places) they're in a fluid position whereby they can "go" whenever they like, but they're being cautious and waiting to hear/see if Ashes is go for their "November" date. I'm sure they'll know WELL before we will whether that's a reality and if so, will make plans accordingly to announce a date shortly after that information is either known to them or made public.

It's a business and they're protecting their investment. Simple. All that being said, smart people (me) have been saying the release date window for LITERALLY months now as October - November for this product because of the Australian Cricket Season gearing up. So just do the math, this sh#t isn't a science and it's just plain and simple logic without the need for making stuff up.

Quit being so petulant.
Some might be poor/weak in math, Biggs :p all they want is some date ;)
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Did someone just say he decided to buy a guitar with the money he was intending to spend on a video game? LOL
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