Don Bradman Cricket 14 PC PLAYABLE NOW!

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Don Bradman Cricket 2014 Campaign thread

This Thread can be used for posting all the marketing / campaining videos,images,information for dBc 14 by Ross & others:thumbs
...or you could just click the "Photos/Videos" link right up the very top of the page in that nifty image where all that stuff already is hosted on PlanetCricket?
When did you become such an arse? You used to be alright in the old days.

Surely not. This bloke has annoyed me, spent all of last year rinsing 505 for being amateur for delaying their game and does the same and can't hack it whenever anyone mentions it. Went off on one against plenty of people and is arrogant as the day is long.

He does all his devs a great disservice. I want the good game everyone else does but there's so many kiss arses on here that I have to level it out
I am following as many threads as I can here and on Facebook (somehow I can't post on Facebook page despite liking it?), and also playing the net practice in the demo as time allows and certainly enjoying doing both.

I know there are some users who are quietly impatient (like me), vocally impatient, and then some. I just want to thank all the posters who have been relaying useful information here including BigAnt representatives, if any that are on here (Ross is a name I read a lot).

It's been such a long time since most of us have enjoyed a good simulation of on-screen Cricket game that doesn't arcade you out of the fence on your every ball, or doesn't show erroneous and funny behaviors by the graphically simulated players and other components. Even an incremental yet well thought update over the last best on-screen Cricket simulator would be satisfying and will be welcome by both arms!

Till then, there's always Fifa and Madden NFL :D
Pure 100% frustration at having to wait so long for the game. It makes people say crazy things.
I realise they will release it when it's best for them, but jeeeesus! This is going on and on like a soap opera. 2.8 million mosquitoes have died from natural causes* since this game was announced.

*stat may have been created in my head!

Yeah it's been a long wait Gone4aDuck and I still get the feeling it's not over, we all take the waiting differently. This Dude64 just likes to see if he can piss any one off but to be honest most of us are to tired to care what he says anymore.

I will be online Friday to hear the news but if it's Ross saying the release is something like September:p or later then maybe a rest from PC is needed. I will still read it just not comment till it's worth it.

PS I think I got 20 more grey hairs from waiting for this game, Ross hear me now I want my youth back ok dude.:rolleyes
This bloke has annoyed me, spent all of last year rinsing 505 for being amateur for delaying their game and does the same

Um... he's not been "rinsing" them for delaying their game. He rinsed them for:

  • Not showing the game
  • Promising we would see the game in early September, then not showing the game
  • Finally showing the game and it's shit
  • Putting a shit game up on sale
  • Doing irreparable damage to the Australian games industry

Oh and...

  • Rinsing them for delaying their UK branded/sponsored "Ashes Cricket" game by 6 months when the Ashes was effectively over.

If you're doing the crazy thing, at least shade it with a dabble of the facts.

and can't hack it whenever anyone mentions it. Went off on one against plenty of people and is arrogant as the day is long.

...and it's well deserved because when most of the people "mention" things, as you put it, they do said "mentioning" by being ineffectual baseless posts like your one above. Ross has been totally open to critique and feedback, just not random acts of brainless meltdowns like yours when you screw up your meds and miss a Wednesday pill day.

He does all his devs a great disservice. I want the good game everyone else does but there's so many kiss arses on here that I have to level it out

Yeah, he does all those cricket developers a disservice who create accounts, give us unfettered access to them and their thoughts, actively supply us with demos and beta versions of the player creator, net sessions and implement features the community asks for all the while posting daily on the status of the game and the inner workings of running a successful games production studio.

What an asshole, indeed.

All those other cricket developers that post on PlanetCricket are shocked and disgusted with Ross.

All of them.
Um... he's not been "rinsing" them for delaying their game. He rinsed them for:

  • Not showing the game
  • Promising we would see the game in early September, then not showing the game
  • Finally showing the game and it's shit
  • Putting a shit game up on sale
  • Doing irreparable damage to the Australian games industry

Oh and...

  • Rinsing them for delaying their UK branded/sponsored "Ashes Cricket" game by 6 months when the Ashes was effectively over.

If you're doing the crazy thing, at least shade it with a dabble of the facts.

...and it's well deserved because when most of the people "mention" things, as you put it, they do said "mentioning" by being ineffectual baseless posts like your one above. Ross has been totally open to critique and feedback, just not random acts of brainless meltdowns like yours when you screw up your meds and miss a Wednesday pill day.

Yeah, he does all those cricket developers a disservice who create accounts, give us unfettered access to them and their thoughts, actively supply us with demos and beta versions of the player creator, net sessions and implement features the community asks for all the while posting daily on the status of the game and the inner workings of running a successful games production studio.

What an asshole, indeed.

All those other cricket developers that post on PlanetCricket are shocked and disgusted with Ross.

All of them.

Waste of time, Dude666 with not learn. PS Let's hope for a release in the next 6 weeks to shut people like him up for well now.:clap
Surely not. This bloke has annoyed me, spent all of last year rinsing 505 for being amateur for delaying their game and does the same and can't hack it whenever anyone mentions it. Went off on one against plenty of people and is arrogant as the day is long.

He does all his devs a great disservice. I want the good game everyone else does but there's so many kiss arses on here that I have to level it out

As the song goes: "we dont need another Hero"

Why do some people think they are the chosen ones to balance it all out for us.
Ross will probably disagree with me but Tru Blu are very boring. They've been stifling him ever since he started posting unauthorised screenshots back during the AFL Live development!

Tru Blu are often proved right in their approach and myself proven wrong, I'm far too emotionally attached to what we create and Tru Blu is a great balance for that.

Those early AFL days were great though, really the first time we did that sort of stuff with letting beta images out and feature lists, our tech has certainly come a long way since then :)
Will a new trailor be acompianing the release date on Friday Ross, or will you start the marketing campaign a little closer to the release? I understand you can't divulge too much, but obviously the excitement is building and Im looking forward to seeing how the campaign pans out.having never been on any game forum before this and never classed myself as a gamer before I do feel a part of it in some way.
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