Don Bradman Cricket 14 PC PLAYABLE NOW!

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I am always a fair minded person - unfortunately I am not impressed by this game though or the approach of the developer to his critics.

You still haven't answered my question. Have you played the game on its hardest settings?
If you don't like the game or BigAnt why do you keep coming back on the forum?
Leave the attention whore be.

Without your attention my life has no meaning...


You still haven't answered my question. Have you played the game on its hardest settings?
If you don't like the game or BigAnt why do you keep coming back on the forum?

I thought it was a forum for people who like to express opinions about cricket games?
Without your attention my life has no meaning...


I thought it was a forum for people who like to express opinions about cricket games?
Perhaps your life has no meaning full stop.
Express your opinions after you have played the game on the hardest settings, the way that it is meant to be played. Until then, your opinion is worthless.
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Newsflash: Guy with grudge who didn't like cricket game before he saw/played/owns it doesn't like the demo...
Amazing I come online to read the attack of the Fonz again.:facepalm

PS Fonz this game is not perfect sure, it's also a cut down version of the full game for a start. If the sound is fixed for the edges then its near perfect for nets for me. PS Maybe a little bit more difference between poor batsmen to great batsman also, I loved to see the tailenders have a different batting style but you can't have everything.

I think he just needs to get over Ross and find someone else to love.:lol

PS I have had many work friends over to try the nets and also have taken my computer once to work(Naughty 79C:lol) and everyone has said it feels like cricket Plus it's there first cricket game full stop.:clap


Newsflash: Guy with grudge who didn't like cricket game before he saw/played/owns it doesn't like the demo...

He will still buy it Biggs and I also hope he enjoys the game a hell of a lot, if Ross can make him a believer then the rest of the world will follow, Ross for King of the world.:p

PS I am not a Bigant groupie ok guys.:p
It's harsh on the nets. But some points are valid: I'd argue that the exact same ball and the exact same shot SHOULD have the same result. Which is I think the core criticism?

AI is mostly about smoke and mirrors. I did a game a couple of years back that was received pretty much universally really well, but I still had a few arguments with friends about it. Basically they felt like the AI could beat them at any point. I argued that they COULD, because they are programmed to at times. Same way that in an FPS the AI *could* shoot you in the head every time.
In the end I took his point: If you *feel* like there's smoke and mirrors going on, then the smoke and mirrors weren't good enough. Mind you, plenty of people didn't feel the same.

I think it's really hard to make a judgement about the game based on a bowler-AI-free practice mode. I'm reserving judgement until the real thing, but I wouldn't be discounting off-hand any feedback before that... even if that opinion is perhaps (or actually admitted) being influenced by a personal dislike to the maker.
I'd argue that the exact same ball and the exact same shot SHOULD have the same result.

Agreed, however, whenever did someone have exactly the same two balls in the nets and play with exactly the same timing? Never.

They certainly won't in the game itself. With factors like the bowlers diminishing or increasing attributes, ball wear, etc.. playing a part even if the ball was given exactly the same inputs at exactly the same time the result will be different.

Oh, there is that other thing..... you know, that special word... BETA... we have always been upfront and said the Cricket Academy is unashamedly our testing ground. The ball/pitch/timing etc change markedly from each release to the next, even as late as this weekend I have asked people what they'd like me to put in the Nets - so seriously, does anyone think this is final product? Ridiculous.

There is no bowling and no fielding, whatever has been written is by definition a less than half arsed effort because there is less than half of the equation that has been given in the nets, and even then not final.


Perhaps your life has no meaning full stop.
Express your opinions after you have played the game on the hardest settings, the way that it is meant to be played. Until then, your opinion is worthless.

I'd think I would still find his opinion worthless, but I will enjoy spending the money I earn from his purchase.
I'd think I would still find his opinion worthless, but I will enjoy spending the money I earn from his purchase.

About as much chance of you getting my money as australia beating brazil in the fifa world cup final.

Talking of getting hit for 6...

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...and this is why you have Zero credibility, received below email Saturday morning. Nice email address btw, dude you are so l33t, I'm sure the schoolkids really dig you.

Full Name: thefonz
Email: [email protected]
Contact No:

In case the "Bigant" was wondering no I won't be buying the awful pile of crap known as Don Bradman Cricket 2014.
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I'd think I would still find his opinion worthless, but I will enjoy spending the money I earn from his purchase.

Lol. OK. Well that may be the same winning attitude that causes the occasional enemy... :-)

Yes. All of that is exactly true. But hey: rarely would it be the same shot happened twice, but my point (as I think was his) was that, in the unlikely event, IF you played the exact same shot to the exact same ball then it *would* have the same outcome, which he was contesting wasn't happening.
I think every opinion is worth consideration, even if poisoned by personal prejudice (clearly): it has some merit was my only point. I wouldn't defend that, but I'd defend his right to bring it up.
Yes: it's a Beta. But then it's also been stated almost a year ago that it's final code (patch withstanding). So I think he's within his right to raise the comments, as I say even if he has an particular axe to grind from somewhere.
But how can he raise that issue when the four balls he faced were all different? If you play the same shot to different balls then there is going to be a different outcome.

Ball 1: Full
Ball 2: Full but the bowling machine moves slightly to the right
Ball 3: Good length (same line as previous ball)
Ball 4: Short down the leg side

PLUS, how can be sure he moved the right and left sticks in exactly the same direction at exactly the same time and with exactly the same force?
...and this is why you have Zero credibility, received below email Saturday morning. Nice email address btw, dude you are so l33t, I'm sure the schoolkids really dig you.

Full Name: thefonz
Email: [email protected]
Contact No:

In case the "Bigant" was wondering no I won't be buying the awful pile of crap known as Don Bradman Cricket 2014.

Fonz, now you're making yourself look stupid. All you have played, all any of us have played, is an extremely limited version of the batting in the game, most likely on an easy setting as far as you're concerned, and you call the game an 'awful pile of crap'? The way the batting works in DBC14 nets is the way batting should've always worked in cricket games.

But how can he raise that issue when the four balls he faced were all different? If you play the same shot to different balls then there is going to be a different outcome.

Ball 1: Full
Ball 2: Full but the bowling machine moves slightly to the right
Ball 3: Good length (same line as previous ball)
Ball 4: Short down the leg side

PLUS, how can be sure he moved the right and left sticks in exactly the same direction at exactly the same time and with exactly the same force?

Even if it is the same ball, I very much doubt whether the machine in real life can spit the ball out at exactly the same trajectory all the time.
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