Don Bradman Cricket 14 PC PLAYABLE NOW!

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Lol. OK. Well that may be the same winning attitude that causes the occasional enemy... :-)

Yes. All of that is exactly true. But hey: rarely would it be the same shot happened twice, but my point (as I think was his) was that, in the unlikely event, IF you played the exact same shot to the exact same ball then it *would* have the same outcome, which he was contesting wasn't happening.
I think every opinion is worth consideration, even if poisoned by personal prejudice (clearly): it has some merit was my only point. I wouldn't defend that, but I'd defend his right to bring it up.
Yes: it's a Beta. But then it's also been stated almost a year ago that it's final code (patch withstanding). So I think he's within his right to raise the comments, as I say even if he has an particular axe to grind from somewhere.

Only the occasional enemy? Must try harder...

He's just a troll and on that basis I'd defend my right to not even bother to read his posts, which I don't unless someone quotes them out (ignore list is broken in that regard).

I agreed with you that the same shot to the same ball would play the same, it just doesn't happen because of the number of variables involved.

I don't think I've ever said the CA is final code, I have certainly mentioned that we are using the Nets as a testing ground, we have changed physics, timing and all sorts to see what people think, there won't be Santa/Pirates/etc in the game, it is mostly indicative of the final game but is not nearly 100% the same. We are using this feedback to gauge what a patch might need to contain.
'Course it is. In baseball, there is no bounce to worry about, it's just swing bat at ball and either hit or miss. With cricket you have to take into account the bounce/swing/seam and the different pitch types throw in a whole new world of variables.

Edit: We have a date - do we have a price yet? :)

Not really true. Pitchers have so many variations in their pitches. There's fastball, curveball, sliders, slow ones and at least a dozen more variations.
Don't think baseball is easy.

Baseball has derived from Cricket but it is by no means a no-worry sport. It is quite a tough sport as well. Try facing some baseball pitches and you'll see. The bat is round so you have a very tiny contact area to send the ball where you want so timing in baseball is even more impressive at times. Else the hit will cause the ball to fly at an angle.

Anyways, comparing two sports like that isn't a meaningful thing.

Re. the other dude's long review/complaint, I agree with him on the release aspect of it. I think this is a poorly handled release but the game itself seems promising. I'm not sure why he is complaining that the ball didn't go straight when he attempted straight drives but that is the whole point. You cannot hit every ball straight. You are bound to mess up on timing and other things. This means the game isn't just hitting the same shots over and over which is a good thing. Not sure why the complaint.

He can certainly post his opinions and review and not like the game. I'm fine with that but he needs to understand that his points are actually going against the argument he was making
Agreed, however, whenever did someone have exactly the same two balls in the nets and play with exactly the same timing? Never.

They certainly won't in the game itself. With factors like the bowlers diminishing or increasing attributes, ball wear, etc.. playing a part even if the ball was given exactly the same inputs at exactly the same time the result will be different.

Oh, there is that other thing..... you know, that special word... BETA... we have always been upfront and said the Cricket Academy is unashamedly our testing ground. The ball/pitch/timing etc change markedly from each release to the next, even as late as this weekend I have asked people what they'd like me to put in the Nets - so seriously, does anyone think this is final product? Ridiculous.

There is no bowling and no fielding, whatever has been written is by definition a less than half arsed effort because there is less than half of the equation that has been given in the nets, and even then not final.


I'd think I would still find his opinion worthless, but I will enjoy spending the money I earn from his purchase.
Maybe a 5 over prac match added to CA beta. Which iam sure has already been asked for?:yes
Yes. All of that is exactly true. But hey: rarely would it be the same shot happened twice, but my point (as I think was his) was that, in the unlikely event, IF you played the exact same shot to the exact same ball then it *would* have the same outcome

HI can you show me two clips of SRT getting the exact same balls in his career and him playing the exact same drive getting the exact same results(ball direction ,trajectory,bounce etc)?

Or if you want me to talk in gaming language the nvidia physics engine produces same results for the exact thing but can you show me a simulation repeating same stuff without baking it?

Since we dont have things repeating like that often (like in many prev titles) is why we like the game and why it has the essence of the real game.:cheers
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"there won't be Santa/Pirates/etc in the game"

But I suppose there will be 11 clowns if you play against England eh Ross? :eek:
I think the most dangerous threat to DBC 14 and all other games are game repackers just like:
just find a way to beat them and your game sales will dramatically increase

but dont like cod ghosts who made a mammoth 50 gb game for nothing :lol
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hey! does anyone wanna show me how to do a signature so I can show my PlanetCricket AFL dreamteam league without it being advertising? (-:;)
hey! does anyone wanna show me how to do a signature so I can show my PlanetCricket AFL dreamteam league without it being advertising? (-:;)

click on links on top of page with your account and then go to edit signature then click on upload image and upload it then click on insert sig pic highlighted on that page and save changes
I think the most dangerous threat to DBC 14 and all other games are game repackers just like:
just find a way to beat them and your game sales will dramatically increase

but dont like cod ghosts who made a mammoth 50 gb game for nothing :lol

I love point 4 and 5 in that article which is over 6 years old now. Lower the price or give it away for free :lol

Oh the laughs... :lol:lol
But how can he raise that issue when the four balls he faced were all different? If you play the same shot to different balls then there is going to be a different outcome.

Ball 1: Full
Ball 2: Full but the bowling machine moves slightly to the right
Ball 3: Good length (same line as previous ball)
Ball 4: Short down the leg side

PLUS, how can be sure he moved the right and left sticks in exactly the same direction at exactly the same time and with exactly the same force?

The shots were identical up and up - the timing was ideal yet the ball was flying off in random ways. you have no idea where the ball will end up - there are too many shots linked to the same inputs. small variations are natural but this game has some very strange automatic shot selection and strange physics.

scripted randomness i guess to fool people to believing it is realistic.
The shots were identical up and up - the timing was ideal yet the ball was flying off in random ways. you have no idea where the ball will end up - there are too many shots linked to the same inputs. small variations are natural but this game has some very strange automatic shot selection and strange physics.

scripted randomness i guess to fool people to believing it is realistic.

So can You develop a Cricket game for us....then
What have these forums come sure you can give advice but come on guys wait to game comes out , I have played the nets and its 10 times better then any cricket game has nicks etc. lets just move on and talk about anything else lol.
Scripted randomness...... Yep, heard it all now...
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