Don Bradman Cricket 14 PC PLAYABLE NOW!

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thefonz is like a rabid dog. He has got his teeth into something and he won't let go until he is put out of his misery. It's a mystery to me why he keeps returning to this forum.

Yeah it's Ross Ass he wants to bite mate. PS He will buy the game and complain as simple as that, maybe he will get himself BANNED again.:thumbs
I don't push both sticks up at the same time. Surely the the feet move first and then you play the shot. i.e. left shot moves first followed by the right stick.

I wrote timing..... Meaning moving the feet first and the shot second at the exact same interval time after time

Gorgeous he is. :eek:
For some reason I've always imagined Fonz as a Hasslehoff type guy... Clueless to one laughing at, rather than with.
Biggs but maybe someone less handsome next time ok.:rolleyes


I don't push both sticks up at the same time. Surely the the feet move first and then you play the shot. i.e. left shot moves first followed by the right stick.

To be honest I never tried that Zombie, I will next time dude. I always use both at the same time.:facepalm

PS If you have it on Legend and use the pitch marker to practice the harder shots is very useful. I have improved my legside play doing this in the last week or so, if Bigant use the nets in career for there next game I will be a very happy man. PS Driving is the easiest shots in the game, I like this to be honest.:clap
Biggs but maybe someone less handsome next time ok.:rolleyes


To be honest I never tried that Zombie, I will next time dude. I always use both at the same time.:facepalm

PS If you have it on Legend and use the pitch marker to practice the harder shots is very useful. I have improved my legside play doing this in the last week or so, if Bigant use the nets in career for there next game I will be a very happy man. PS Driving is the easiest shots in the game, I like this to be honest.:clap

I have just tried batting using both sticks simultaneously and it is more difficult for me, but I think you get the same results. Moving the left stick slightly ahead of the right stick just seems more natural to me (and to my brain). I tried to imagine batting for real, and this method made more sense.
It would be interesting to hear what method other people use?
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HI can you show me two clips of SRT getting the exact same balls in his career and him playing the exact same drive getting the exact same results(ball direction ,trajectory,bounce etc)?

What's an "SRT"?
The shots were identical up and up - the timing was ideal yet the ball was flying off in random ways. you have no idea where the ball will end up - there are too many shots linked to the same inputs. small variations are natural but this game has some very strange automatic shot selection and strange physics.

scripted randomness i guess to fool people to believing it is realistic.

Let's say for arguments sake that you did do exactly the same shot four times in a row - the four balls you faced were still all different, therefore the same result won't happen every time. Line, length, speed, seam movement, swing etc...even the tiniest of differences would cause different outcomes.

Automatic shot selection? I'm pretty sure the game reacts to controller input rather than 'selecting' a shot for you. So if you play an off-drive to a short ball on leg then the game will let you play that shot, which you will hit up in the air off the splice of the bat...just like in real life.
^ Is it (Genuine question) ? Because in real life too I find it easy to hit drives but facing short pitched balls gets me into trouble.
I have no idea what the question is but I can confirm that the answer to the question depends on if it's predictably random or scripted random or just the random ramblings of a moron.
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