Don Bradman Cricket 14 PC PLAYABLE NOW!

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You just summed up one of the problems nicely since the drive is one of the hardest shots in the game!

A fundamental flaw.

I beg to differ. If you are facing half-volleys, 99 times out of 100 you'll hit the drive. You may not hit it to perfection, but three's little doubting you'll hit it. This is replicated in the game.

And I apologise Ross for quoting him :p

You just summed up one of the problems nicely since the drive is one of the hardest shots in the game!

A fundamental flaw.

Have you ever played cricket Gollum thefonz? I thought not.
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You just summed up one of the problems nicely since the drive is one of the hardest shots in the game!

A fundamental flaw.

Have you ever played cricket thefonz? I thought not.

I know enough to say that if you continually play straight drives to every ball you will not always connect and watch the ball rocket away powered by dark energy...
I beg to differ. If you are facing half-volleys, 99 times out of 100 you'll hit the drive. You may not hit it to perfection, but three's little doubting you'll hit it. This is replicated in the game.
Speak for yourself. I can't hit about three quarters of the half-volleys I get, and that's just from the bowling machine when I know where it'll be.

That's why I took up blocking.
I know enough to say that if you continually play straight drives to every ball you will not always connect and watch the ball rocket away powered by dark energy...

I say again, have you played the game on the hardest settings with no HUDs or aids?
Post a video of it when you do.
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If you don't like the game or BigAnt why do you keep coming back on the forum?

because he's my secret stalker and can't get enough of me...

...that and this:

If it helps I recently unbanned Fonz.

No it doesn't, great decision, it's going well in a totally non-random predictable scriptable way :rolleyes
Pot calling the kettle black.

Fonz gave a reasonable critique of the game and what he thought are the issues with it. Ross has said in his own words its ok to criticise as long as its presented respectfully. Yet his own rebukes to anything negative about the game are disgraceful, regardless of how they are presented. He cant handle criticism. I think he has a complex. At least it makes trolling fun.

Constructive negative feedback is an important part of the improvement process. But he cant handle it!

Imagine his wrath towards any reviewers of this game once it comes out....oh hang on he's written off every review of all the other s*it games his company has ever made (i.e all of them).

You cant believe anything that comes out his mouth. He's full of s*it. Lying to his own customers in front of their faces.

'Game will be here in 2013' - still not released.
'World Premiere' - unfinished beta at the test sessions 'by mistake' (pffft....HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA)
'The game is finished' - actually 'what you see is a Beta version'
A true simulation - 'its a game its meant to be exaggerated!'

If your banking on March release, youre a fool.

Come at me, fanboys.
I say again, have you played the game on the hardest settings with no HUDs or aids?
Post a video of it when you do.

well, you shouldn't have to play the game on it's absolute hardest settings to get a feel for it's "true" gameplay, that's what default should be. easier settings should help you, and then the harder settings provide more challenge (either by boosting ai, "handicapping" you, or both)
well, you shouldn't have to play the game on it's absolute hardest settings to get a feel for it's "true" gameplay, that's what default should be. easier settings should help you, and then the harder settings provide more challenge (either by boosting ai, "handicapping" you, or both)

That's fair enough but thefonz is saying that the game is too easy. If that is the case try the game on its hardest settings and then review the game again, honestly without prejudice.
He hasn't replied to my challenge to play the game on the hard settings. I assume that either he hasn't, or he has, and knows that he was wrong but won't admit it.
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A proper review presents both what is good and bad, then makes an overall decision based on this evidence. Someone who speaks only negative is quite simple a troll.

While they probably think that it is hilariously funny being a troll, it is really quite sad because their existence and opinions really are worthless.
Pot calling the kettle black.

Fonz gave a reasonable critique of the game and what he thought are the issues with it. Ross has said in his own words its ok to criticise as long as its presented respectfully. Yet his own rebukes to anything negative about the game are disgraceful, regardless of how they are presented. He cant handle criticism. I think he has a complex. At least it makes trolling fun.

Constructive negative feedback is an important part of the improvement process. But he cant handle it!

Imagine his wrath towards any reviewers of this game once it comes out....oh hang on he's written off every review of all the other s*it games his company has ever made (i.e all of them).

You cant believe anything that comes out his mouth. He's full of s*it. Lying to his own customers in front of their faces.

'Game will be here in 2013' - still not released.
'World Premiere' - unfinished beta at the test sessions 'by mistake' (pffft....HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA)
'The game is finished' - actually 'what you see is a Beta version'
A true simulation - 'its a game its meant to be exaggerated!'

If your banking on March release, youre a fool.

Come at me, fanboys.

thefonz's twin brother?
He/you didn't give a reasonable critique of the game. No positives, only negatives, nothing constructive and certainly not respectful.
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Thanks again Barmy... really lifted the tone...
I have 12gb ps3 will i be able to play the game? u have info on this?.pls answer?
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