Don Bradman Cricket 14 PC PLAYABLE NOW!

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No, thefonz is saying it's crap because the man is a vindictive, twisted, attention seeking fool.

I played cricket for 30 years, man and boy, and this is one of only a few games that I have played that gives a certain advantage to someone who has actually played the real game of cricket before.

made me think of this:
The Fast Show S03E01 - YouTube

can't embed URL with the time but forward to 9.08

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Second option is that you just play sweeps. Sweep anything on middle or leg to the leg side using normal sweep and use reverse sweep for anything on offstump or outside offstump. :thumbs

You see, this is the kind of thing that worries me a bit - that people will get used to stuff in the game that's not right and then there'll be resistance to fixing it.

So currently you can sweep everything on spin because there isn't a realistic amount of bounce and turn (contrasted with 99.94a where there was quite a bit of bounce and turn).

I think some people found 99.94a hard on spin but it was very straightforward if you're familiar with playing spin in real life, whereas now people seem happier with it but it's not really that much like the real thing any more.
^(fonz post was there above this i guess,now dutched) For a change why dont you list the aspects you like about the game(CA nets) ?
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Got any other songs, or just that same tune over and over again there, Hasselhoff?
5 pages of complete crap. Didn't we learn from last time?

Learn sorry Snowy I just don't understand that word.:p
Ok now being serious for once:noway You are right I know, he will not change his mind or learn. He hates the game and Bigant, I can see it now a photo of Ross on his wall with the words love and hate written across Ross chest, throwing ninja stars from his bed with nails.
So having gone through the garbage of the last pages I am ready to bring about some clarity. Fonz needs to start upping the quality of his posts and people need to stop reacting to obvious rubbish. I got itchy fingers and as I am trying to hold to my New Years resolution of not masturbating during Coronation Street, something is going to give......
I don't understand it Dutch. You delete my post but allow all the crap from thefonz.

Just let it go Zombie, Dutch/Biggs and Snowy are right we just need to leave him alone. I will try but it's so hard sometimes:yes. Peace. May the force be with you always.:spy
Just let it go Zombie, Dutch/Biggs and Snowy are right we just need to leave him alone. I will try but it's so hard sometimes:yes. Peace. May the force be with you always.:spy

Of course you are correct 79c. I just hate the totally unjustified rubbishing of a great game.
Dutch good luck the coronation street masturbating problems dude, I have not watched that show in years, it's home and way here and that just sucks. Still better than all these reality shows on. I Hate I hate.:mad

PS Back to DBC14, what do you think about the nets, do you think there is a area need some more love or is it fine and up to Dutch levels.:cheers
We won't know how great it is until we play it for real, would definitely say without much doubt, from what we know, it looks better than anything we've had before, but we won't know that for sure.

Blind acceptance is a sign, of stupid fools who stand in line!!
Bias is a terrible thing right Dutch?

here is more evidence of the game's flaws - see attached.


  • Bradman cricket 14 legend issues.rar
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