Don Bradman Cricket 14 PC PLAYABLE NOW!

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Didn't think you were here.... Figured you dropped the turd in the pool and went on holidays.

Edit: btw it would be cool if possible to have the thanks button on the mobile PC skin.
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Don't ban Fonz I am working on an app and I want him to be my number 1 beta tester.

Any WPF gurus feel free to PM me :)
free the fonz

ps: please don't, he's an awful poster. although perhaps jumping on people disappointed that the game is releasing much later than perhaps it should have is a little harsh...

mate...loved your 'I'm the boss Admin' post...very much needed. One thing I highly disagree with though....and thats your sig:

"Scraping defeat from the jaws of victory: England, the specialists."


surely, you're talking about the Rugby union team right? :yes

Hi Ross, will you update the first post again when you have an exact release date in March?
Hi Ross, will you update the first post again when you have an exact release date in March?
As things can go wrong I have been allowed by the publisher to state what we collectively believe will be the latest date. I could have just said March 31st to stop the "it's not a release date talk".
By the way.. I took on board what TheFonz said, rather than just bagging him down I decided to try what he was suggesting and see if I could emulate it.

My idea was to get a set up that would allow me to play the exact same shot to the exact same ball at the exact same time.. unfortunately, every method of keyboard - (joystick) - Xbox 360 controller emulation failed.. mainly, I believe to the fact that CA does not run off a controller configuration file the emulator I was trying to use works off. Long story short, the best I could come up with was a set up where I had the bowling machine doing fast balls at a set spot at a set speed. I had my controller only outputting directly forward shots (removed X axis input), used no footwork to ensure my timing was as exact every time as possible by removing two-thumb timing requirement. My timing was done by playing forward as the ball crossed my line of sight to the non-strikers crease.

My analysis was that with an identical ball bowled, with an identical foot placement (no user input) on legend difficulty mode (regardless of bowler difficulty/batsman skill) with as much as identical timing of the ball as is possible with a dead straight bat produced the exact same edge to the exact same part of the net.

My answer, based on the above, to his initial 'analysis' of the Beta Nets in CA (a beta program).

The Nets
Firstly, in terms of core gameplay, that the batting timing window is lacking sophistication.

a) When batting too early you miss

Well, obviously.

too late you miss

Once again, full marks.

and early and late timing with a straight shot guarantee a hit on the ball if the ball is not way down legside

As, it appears he's been banned, we can't confirm the setting he was using. However, based on someone's comment that the video showed the settings as being the default batter/bowler settings, would assume the main option game difficulty level was also default, which I believe is one of the lower settings that causes the game to take over with footwork and 'assist' the batter in hitting.

That is indicative of last generation scripting

Well, considering it's not a 'scripting' engine but a physics engine, letting the physics decide where the ball goes and how fast up to the moment the impact happens with the bat, taking into account velocity and direction of travel for both bat and ball, this point is invalid.

the way that edges play out in the game reflects that scripting. You cannot miss the ball playing straight shots with ideal timing if the ball is not way down legside - in MLB the show there is good timing and perfect timing. You can miss the ball in a hittable area with good timing! A real simulation.

As stated before, assuming the base difficulty is low, it's hard to miss a shot that is generally in the window. However with my testing above I was able to constantly get the exact same play and miss to a ball that was just outside leg and using no footwork on legend difficulty, which has no computer assistance in footwork, shot placement or timing.

So the arcade gameplay is apparent immediately. Bigant has advised he is worried about people getting muscle memory and breaking the game. Look at the attached video to see how that plays out - I was playing the same shot over and over again, a straight shot and getting weirdly different scripted results. The only way the ai can stop this streak is by bowling way down legside. I repeat I only need 1 shot to cause the ai massive issues.

As previously stated in different threads by myself regarding this exact issue, due to the nature of our hands, getting a perfect forward played shot with a controller is almost impossible. Test this for yourself. Open the Game controller properties window on your PC, bring up the display that will show you the on screen feedback of key presses and 'joystick' movement, get someone to watch the screen and blindfolded try and play a perfectly forward movement. Your friend will no doubt watch the indicator curve between the centre and the top (if you actually manage to get the indicator to end up perfectly vertical) even though you think you're going in a straight line. Unless you remove the ability for the controller to waver off a straight, direct line forwards (upwards or north), human error will always build into the results 'randomness'. My testing was able to produce the EXACT same movement of the bat with as much perfect timing as humanly possible to the EXACT (note I do not believe he was using the marker and set speed options for the bowling machine) same delivery and got the EXACT same edge.

Onto the edges, these crop up in bizarre fashion.

As above, inherent randomness unless digitally cancelled out will always produce random results.

occasionally with the wrong sound. (There are two effects for ball on bat - so you will hear the middle of the bat sound for an edge, or the edge sound of the middle of the bat)

Oh no.. a audio bug in a feature stripped 'beta'.. someone call the Game Developer police!

The players slide across the crease randomly when the ball is leg side and you play the default straight shot, occasionally sliding to hit it, and occasionally playing a different animation far from the ball.

As above, difficulty level, difference in timing to different deliveries with possible non-straight movement of the control sticks will cause different reactions from the player. The nets allows us to know how the player will react to our inputs, and allow us to, not exactly perfect, but improve our performance on the pitch.

Basically he is saying that at a 'scripted' point pre-determined by the game, the ball will do something, regardless of player input. I'm sorry, but no.. I saw no evidence of this in my clinical assessment of the game.

Such a shame he won't be able to read this post.. got back to the thread too late before the rage on both sides bought out the ban hammer. But for anyone else who were maybe thinking there was something to his 'analysis', hopefully some independent 'clinical testing' has shown some facts to the arguments.

(PS - If absolutely need be I can re-do the above and video it for all to see. And I won't attach a video in a zip file and post it on the forums.. I'm sorry, I don't want to chance a virus by downloading something he's had his hand in onto my computer, which is why I did not watch his video but went off others comments).
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So you are saying that if the bowling machine bowls the same ball and you play the same shot, you get the same result? This is with the game on its default setting.
So you are saying that if the bowling machine bowls the same ball and you play the same shot, you get the same result? This is with the game on its default setting.

Yes. Object X at point Y with a velocity and vector always the same getting hit with object Z with a velocity and vector always the same SHOULD produce the same result. The above drivel was to dispel the idea that the game is based on a scripting physics engine (meaning you have no input in deciding the outcome) rather than a realistic physics engine (where the situation of the ball and bat decide the outcome).


To further clarify my post, if you have the bowling machine delivering variable types of deliveries and variable speed and pitching at variable positions with the unfortunate non-accurate movement of our thumbs on the game controller, the results are going to be fairly random. There will be times you swear you played the perfect shot but got that edge that went straight down the throat of second slip.. as I said somewhere else just before.. even the best in the world play a bad shot to a good ball.
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