Don Bradman Cricket 14 PC PLAYABLE NOW!

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Seems like DBC will be a hit. I got mail from online dealer that a lot of interest is generated in this game in UK so good sign for DBC franchise.

That's great news mate.:thumbs


Hang on, wait! You're going to do what to dutch?!

I miss the old days sometimes G4AD, where is Lee1981 when you need him.:p

Dude are you buying the game next month ?
Perhaps your life has no meaning full stop.
Express your opinions after you have played the game on the hardest settings, the way that it is meant to be played. Until then, your opinion is worthless.

Yeah this seemed to me to be a bit harsh and incorrect when I read it and I guess it's what a few peoples posts have been talking about.

Everyone's opinions are worth something if they draw attention to the games positive features and let the developer know they are on the right track, or the negative aspects and leads them to perhaps reconsider some directions.

I'm likely to play the game on medium to some of the hardest settings (although possibly not the hardest) when it comes along and I'd hope that my opinion is worth as much as anyone elses.
Yeah this seemed to me to be a bit harsh and incorrect when I read it and I guess it's what a few peoples posts have been talking about.

However, the intention was to guide this *ahem* Planet Cricket 'member' to an alternative method of testing the nets control scheme to ensure he was not getting any computer assisted inputs that was probably causing the player to 'warp' to the ball, which was one of his complaints.

I do agree that anyone is able to play the game on any difficulty they choose, that's why the options are there. I know I will be playing on the hardest for my career, but if, for instance, my young daughter wants to play, so she doesn't get frustrated it'll be on the easy level. No answer is right in that regards.
However, the intention was to guide this *ahem* Planet Cricket 'member' to an alternative method of testing the nets control scheme to ensure he was not getting any computer assisted inputs that was probably causing the player to 'warp' to the ball, which was one of his complaints.

I do agree that anyone is able to play the game on any difficulty they choose, that's why the options are there. I know I will be playing on the hardest for my career, but if, for instance, my young daughter wants to play, so she doesn't get frustrated it'll be on the easy level. No answer is right in that regards.

I know the intention was in relation to the fonz and his ideas about how the game plays in the nets. Still feel the opinion could have been addressed specifically to it's intended recipient without blanket statements.

Even so, stating the hardest difficulty is "the way it is meant to be played" and "Until then, your opinion is worthless" are statements that even directed at a specific member have to have the same relative weight towards other players.

I don't like 99% of the things posted by the fonz. He never brought anything positive that could assist the games development. Zombieian obviously has had some good things to say at times. I don't think this was one of them. Which is just my opinion.
I don't think it started that way, I think people did give benefit of the doubt until he showed his true trolling colours by personally attacking anyone that did not agree with him. Troll is a (banned) troll.... and as long as Barmy doesn't go away on holidays again we might be safe. could say Big Ant are about to... round up some information to be herd

Athankya. Tip your waitress...
Yeah this seemed to me to be a bit harsh and incorrect when I read it and I guess it's what a few peoples posts have been talking about.

Everyone's opinions are worth something if they draw attention to the games positive features and let the developer know they are on the right track, or the negative aspects and leads them to perhaps reconsider some directions.

I'm likely to play the game on medium to some of the hardest settings (although possibly not the hardest) when it comes along and I'd hope that my opinion is worth as much as anyone elses.

I'm sorry if my reply to thefonz has upset a few people and of course DB cricket doesn't have to be played on the hardest settings but I'm sure that BigAnt would agree that playing it that way gives a more fulfilling experience.
Thefonz annoyed me because he wouldn't agree to play the game on the hardest settings after criticising the game for being scripted. Anyone who has played the nets that way can see that is not the case.
That was my point, although perhaps I didn't explain myself tactfully.
^zombie i agree that u get your best experience of the game playing at the hardest difficulty , i also enjoy it at legend difficulty but Fonz didnt need to play at he highest difficulty to know that the game was not scripted, he just had to open his eyes and stop his bias, for all we know he is probably enjoying the nets and just trolled here.

Difficulty is something variable it adds to the enjoyment of the game to suit people by raising it or lowering it, but i would think it is something that doesn't affect the essence of the game.
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Zombie he wanted to annoying members on here and his enemy Ross as simple as that, near the end he know he was going to get banned so he had a go at some of us with Dutch getting the most lip. Anyway he is gone and we can look forward to a exciting 6 weeks till the game is in are hands.:cheers
You just broke 79c's heart...
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