Don Bradman Cricket 14 PC PLAYABLE NOW!

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Perhaps it's me being dopey but I don't understand the argument.
Having only played the game on its hardest settings this certainly isn't the case.
Swing, deviation, delivery speed etc all effect the way the ball behaves and needs to be played.
I don't think thefonz's arguments were rational and he never did admit to playing the game on anything other than the default settings.

Actual cricket is full of variables, which I think are well implemented, from what I have seen so far.
I hope the bowling and fielding of of the same high standard.
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I don't think thefonz's arguments were rational and he never did admit to playing the game on anything other than the default settings.
Playing the game with HUD off and on the hardest settings shouldn't be the only way to play the game. I'm going to start at the default setting and work my way up when I play this game. It doesn't make sense going straight to legendary on all manual controls when playing FIFA so what's the difference here? You should at least occasionally put your batsman's skill level on average, considering that's the minimum skill you will play with most of the time.

I think The Fonz talked a load of rubbish, but the hardest setting shouldn't be viewed as the only way to play this game properly.
Playing the game with HUD off and on the hardest settings shouldn't be the only way to play the game. I'm going to start at the default setting and work my way up when I play this game. It doesn't make sense going straight to legendary on all manual controls when playing FIFA so what's the difference here? You should at least occasionally put your batsman's skill level on average, considering that's the minimum skill you will play with most of the time.

I think The Fonz talked a load of rubbish, but the hardest setting shouldn't be viewed as the only way to play this game properly.

As far as I'm concerned I don't want any assistance turned on. I understand that it's not for everyone but that's why the option is there.
If I play a great shot I want to know that its due to my skill rather than being assisted by the game.

If thefonz did have any valid points, which I don't believe he did, they were lost in his blind determination not to listen to argument or reason and the way in which he presented his views.
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As far as I'm concerned I don't want any assistance turned on. I understand that it's not for everyone but that's why the option is there.
I'm fine with whatever suits you and also want this game to be a real challenge. The problem I have is that you are acting like the only way to play and review the game is on the hardest difficulty session with no aids or assistance, which I think is incorrect. To reverse your point, that's why the option to have the assistance is there in the first place.
I'm fine with whatever suits you and also want this game to be a real challenge. The problem I have is that you are acting like the only way to play and review the game is on the hardest difficulty session with no aids or assistance, which I think is incorrect. To reverse your point, that's why the option to have the assistance is there in the first place.

My point was that I wanted thefonz to play the nets session on the hardest settings to see if his arguments about the game stood up. He never admitted to having tried it on those settings.
Assistance is there so people with less skill can still have a good game. I would rather the game have a steep leaning curve than for it to do the hard work for me.
That doesn't mean I am more skillful, it's just the way I prefer it.
the hardest setting shouldn't be viewed as the only way to play this game properly.

Define "playing the game properly". Since very few of us have actually played it. Look, there's always going to be a learning curve and what is "easy" for some is "challenging" for others. Thats why levels of difficulty exist in the first place.

To say the "Hard" setting is "only way to play" is nonsensical because that caters for a small percentage of people who can pick up a learning curve quicker and/or want a style of game that's less cricket-entertainment and more cricket-simulator which, has been said on numerous occasions, this game is not.

Some people will find an "easy" setting a more fulfilling experience. That's how it should be. There's no way to play a game "properly" which is why the very best games of ANY genre let the player make the decisions how they want to play.
Define "playing the game properly". Since very few of us have actually played it. Look, there's always going to be a learning curve and what is "easy" for some is "challenging" for others. Thats why levels of difficulty exist in the first place.

To say the "Hard" setting is "only way to play" is nonsensical because that caters for a small percentage of people who can pick up a learning curve quicker and/or want a style of game that's less cricket-entertainment and more cricket-simulator which, has been said on numerous occasions, this game is not.

Some people will find an "easy" setting a more fulfilling experience. That's how it should be. There's no way to play a game "properly" which is why the very best games of ANY genre let the player make the decisions how they want to play.

One reason why it'd be great in future iterations to set batting, bowling, fielding and AI difficulty independently I think, for exactly that
Define "playing the game properly". Since very few of us have actually played it. Look, there's always going to be a learning curve and what is "easy" for some is "challenging" for others. Thats why levels of difficulty exist in the first place.

To say the "Hard" setting is "only way to play" is nonsensical because that caters for a small percentage of people who can pick up a learning curve quicker and/or want a style of game that's less cricket-entertainment and more cricket-simulator which, has been said on numerous occasions, this game is not.

Some people will find an "easy" setting a more fulfilling experience. That's how it should be. There's no way to play a game "properly" which is why the very best games of ANY genre let the player make the decisions how they want to play.

We were discussing the nets session. I called it a 'game' because that's what it is. No one said playing the nets session on hard is the only way to play. It's just the way that I prefer it. I know it's not a simulation but the closer I can get to it to being a simulation the better for me. Just my personal view.
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But it's not Don Bradman: Cricket Simulator. So you're already setting yourself up for failure. It's a game, that has to cater to a wide audience. I'm sure there will be exploits or mods you'll be able to introduce to the PC version that will give you greater control - but the out-of-the-box game caters to the wide audience, which is exactly what a beta is supposed to do. It's more about "where are the flaws" and "do players like our control system" than it's about "lets make it ridiculously hard to play a forward-defense shot to a 140kmph delivery in real-time" because 90% of the people on this forum aint gonna want to test that kinda game... and the 10% that do are a very very very very tiny audience to market a game to.


One reason why it'd be great in future iterations to set batting, bowling, fielding and AI difficulty independently I think, for exactly that


I totally agree. I think those kinda settings would greatly improve longevity and might cut some lunch-money of further sequels, but setting particular difficulty levels for particular sections of the game (Fielding, for one) would be a great way to increase playability. As you get more proficient in bowling, you increase the difficulty level of the AI batsman you face, but only the AI batters... and so on. You could even have diffficulty settings for individual styles of players, so you can tell specific skill-sets of the AI to react to you in different ways... make "Batting Specialists" really difficult to dismiss, or whatever. Huge potential, but the core game system needs to be nailed before you start getting into that nitty-gritty stuff. Certainly not a feature that needs to be included on a franchise launch title.
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But it's not Don Bradman: Cricket Simulator. So you're already setting yourself up for failure. It's a game, that has to cater to a wide audience. I'm sure there will be exploits or mods you'll be able to introduce to the PC version that will give you greater control - but the out-of-the-box game caters to the wide audience, which is exactly what a beta is supposed to do. It's more about "where are the flaws" and "do players like our control system" than it's about "lets make it ridiculously hard to play a forward-defense shot to a 140kmph delivery in real-time" because 90% of the people on this forum aint gonna want to test that kinda game... and the 10% that do are a very very very very tiny audience to market a game to.



I totally agree. I think those kinda settings would greatly improve longevity and might cut some lunch-money of further sequels, but setting particular difficulty levels for particular sections of the game (Fielding, for one) would be a great way to increase playability. As you get more proficient in bowling, you increase the difficulty level of the AI batsman you face, but only the AI batters... and so on. You could even have diffficulty settings for individual styles of players, so you can tell specific skill-sets of the AI to react to you in different ways... make "Batting Specialists" really difficult to dismiss, or whatever. Huge potential, but the core game system needs to be nailed before you start getting into that nitty-gritty stuff. Certainly not a feature that needs to be included on a franchise launch title.

I never called it a cricket simulator. I just want to play the game on its hardest setting. What is wrong with that? That is what it is there for.
I don't give a toss if 90% of the rest of the beta testers want to play the game on a easier setting. That's up to them.
Completely missing the point... read again, get back to me.
Completely missing the point... read again, get back to me.

I thought you were the guy who gets it. Get back to me.

There are other people on this forum who only play the 'nets' on the hardest settings, because it is more of a challenge. If you want the AI to assist you in playing your shots in the nets that is up to you.
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Seems like DBC will be a hit. I got mail from online dealer that a lot of interest is generated in this game in UK so good sign for DBC franchise.
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