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Ha. Yes indeed. Although I was doing a similar routine a long time before (2004, as i recall): It was a list of "things that people remember as funny that are progressively less funny every time you think about them". At 3) The OFAH chandelier drop. At 2) Fall through bar. At 1) The bit where Victor Meldrew picked up the phone and answered it before he realised he was talking into a small dog.
Thus, the phenenomen where something was funny, but is not not funny by repetition, was titled a "4291" moment.

In a crazy weird coincidence, I am in fact AT THIS MINUTE getting my shoes on to go to a Stewart Lee gig. Weird. :)
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Ha. Yes indeed. Although I was doing a similar routine a long time before (2004, as i recall): It was a list of "things that people remember as funny that are progressively less funny every time you think about them". At 3) The OFAH chandelier drop. At 2) Fall through bar. At 1) The bit where Victor Meldrew picked up the phone and answered it before he realised he was talking into a small dog.
Thus, the phenenomen where something was funny, but is not not funny by repetition, was titled a "4291" moment.

In a crazy weird coincidence, I am in fact AT THIS MINUTE getting my shoes on to go to a Stewart Lee gig. Weird. :)

the problem is, anyone remembering that scene for the fall through the bar, has missed the point... it's all about Del's yuppie worship, bravado, and Trigger's naievete. Del tells Trigger the secret of pulling yuppie sorts is to talk to them about money, and he goes up to a bird and says "i saw one of those old 5 pound notes the other day" - that's genius. also, we've already seen Del strike out twice with his gordon gekko approach; after the pratfall, he leaves blaming Trigger for "cramping his style". The fall being the "famous" bit is down to Joe Public's moronity, OFAH was class, and that scene is fantastic.

Stewart Lee is awesome though.
If a comedy show's biggest laugh after 20 years, and the first thing people generally remember about it, remains to be a man falling over... Well...

....says someone who clearly hasn't seen enough episodes.

What about the classic with the chandeliers? 'Brace yourself, Rodney' - just before the wrong chandelier is dislodged.... CRASH!

The little yellow rocking van outside the auction house when the brothers finally make it big - not to mention them both fainting in the auction house itself (that's what I think of more than Del Boy falling over the bar).

'No, no, no - I'll buy the sandwiches - 'cos you bought the Rolls' - Del Boy just after Rodney buys a pair of Rolls Royces.

Countless misunderstandings with Trigger '...nah...just leave it, Rodney'!

And some brilliant non comedy moments, notably when Del Boy and Rodney get 'stuck' in a lift for ages so Del Boy can confront Rodney with the truth about losing his and Cassandra's baby.

What about the 'Damien' (from the Omen films) joke - when Del Boy's son is born, they call him Damien which freaks Rodney out for years afterwards.

The efforts to replace a pet budgie they thought they'd killed with paint fumes, only for it to turn out that the budgie was actually already dead when they'd arrived...

Only Fools is littered with such moments - anyone who boils it all down to Del Boy falling over a bar hasn't scratched the surface. And no, I didn't Google them - they're all from my own memories of that great show.

Anyway, how did this get onto 'Only Fools'? :D
As a huge OFAH fan who knows pretty much every word to every episode I cannot sit by and allow any criticism...NOT ON MY WATCH! I'm happy to admit at times it's not laugh out loud funny, but it is funny. Very funny.

It pains me whenever people discuss OFAH and mention the bar fall and the chandelier scenes. There is so much more funnier stuff and I mean so much more. Like ridiculous amounts. I'm not even going to get into explaining as I'll be here all day, but John Sullivan was an absolute genius.
What is this 'Only Fools and Horses' you speak of? Some pommy crap?
It was a satire of nilhilistic tendencies in a hedonistic post-industrial society that deconstructed the tropes of our perceived sense of self.

Aussies wouldn't get it.
It was a satire of nilhilistic tendencies in a hedonistic post-industrial society that deconstructed the tropes of our perceived sense of self.

Aussies wouldn't get it.

That sounds like something Rodney would say!!
More than halfway through February and stillno concrete date other than 'End of March'. This leads me to believe that BA/Trublue are still not sure about a firm release date hence we are probably on for another delay.
Brilliant deduction, Watson. Despite all evidence to the contrary.
What is this 'Only Fools and Horses' you speak of? Some pommy crap?

Pommy crap? Bet the Aussies don't have anything that'll come anywhere close to it...


As a huge OFAH fan who knows pretty much every word to every episode I cannot sit by and allow any criticism...NOT ON MY WATCH! I'm happy to admit at times it's not laugh out loud funny, but it is funny. Very funny.

It pains me whenever people discuss OFAH and mention the bar fall and the chandelier scenes. There is so much more funnier stuff and I mean so much more. Like ridiculous amounts. I'm not even going to get into explaining as I'll be here all day, but John Sullivan was an absolute genius.

That's why I only posted a few select examples - there are many more. The Holy Water episode, the one where the statue of the Virgin Mary is 'crying' - there are so many, you could literally be here all day. It's not just the funny stuff - Sullivan was also capable of writing some very moving scenes, such as the one in the lift.

I will say one thing - the 'specials' after the brothers made it were ill advised. For me it gave the whole thing a bitter taste to have them make it after all their grafting, and then to lose it all. They should've left it after they walked off into the sunset with the immortal words, 'this time next year, we'll be billionaires! '
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I will say one thing - the 'specials' after the brothers made it were ill advised. For me it gave the whole thing a bitter taste to have them make it after all their grafting, and then to lose it all. They should've left it after they walked off into the sunset with the immortal words, 'this time next year, we'll be billionaires! '

Seconded. Any time neatly tied loose ends are undone, in order to contrive a sequel to something, is invariably a disaster.
Solution to Black Screen Problem

Yesterday I had a problem with the OS [windows7] .....So instead of using the "Repair the system" option I installed fully again creating a multiple OS of Windows 7 and deleted the previous version i.e the Windows 7 which I had earlier and kept the newly installed version..Then I updated the OS with the Service Pack 1 of the OS....After completing this process I opened the game and it worked....All the users with Black Screen issue try this....Worked for me and might work for you too....:thumbs:cheers

*Try a different drive for windows files when installing fresh...
You shouldn't have to reinstall an entire OS to get a game running. That's like buying a new engine to get your stereo working in your car.
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