Don Bradman Cricket 14 PC PLAYABLE NOW!

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Yeah on the forum. I guess calling them "reviews" is a bit far reaching, but they sound great. @Ross- After all of the effort to put together a game like DBC14 can you ever just sit down and play the game as a consumer would or do you find yourself deconstructing it and recalling decisions made, elements changed etc.
Yeah on the forum. I guess calling them "reviews" is a bit far reaching, but they sound great. @Ross- After all of the effort to put together a game like DBC14 can you ever just sit down and play the game as a consumer would or do you find yourself deconstructing it and recalling decisions made, elements changed etc.

It's very difficult for me to play it objectively, indeed I can't, I only see the flaws that we need to fix next time.

Although every now and again I get to smile, like when this was posted in response to a question of whether there were any "wow" moments:

HundredProofSam said:
As for wow moments - saw a fielder run backwards to take a catch and the ball was just going over the rope for a six. The fielder got right till the rope and jumped to try and catch it and prevent the six. The AI's awareness of the boundary rope and to attempt that dive was quite impressive to see.
So whats is your pacing when you play generally ,like in odi/test how many balls you take to reach a century or half generally, How much of an edge do you have over other who normally play the game, are you able to exploit anything in the game ?

And the way Sam is talking about the career mode its starting sound like a RPG, where i can say i have put down 100 hrs , 200 hrs in a game, i cant remember a sports title were this can be done


It's very difficult for me to play it objectively, indeed I can't, I only see the flaws that we need to fix next time.
The dev's curse;)
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My issue is that the game loads and works fine, but whenever Iam batting in the nets with my controller, the screen goes black as if to say no one is using the machine so sleep

I was facing the exact same issue. I had to alt-tab out and back into the game to get the display back. However, it hasn't happened again since a long time. Didn't touch any settings.
And the way Sam is talking about the career mode its starting sound like a RPG, where i can say i have put down 100 hrs , 200 hrs in a game, i cant remember a sports title were this can be done

Indeed.. I worked out the numbers myself.. even playing the game 3 hours a day would take better part of half a year to complete a career based on Sam's figures.

The dev's curse;)

Indeed, Rocket, developer of DayZ says the same every time he play's his game.. tries to enjoy the moment but just keeps seeing the things that need more work and fixing.
I only see the flaws that we need to fix next time.

nothing like selective 'quoting' (as against hearing.. he he) but without taking your comments out of context...does this mean there won't be any significant patches or fixes to gameplay, etc once the game is released or are you intending to do annual releases (ala EA, Activision, etc) with corrections from the previous version plus new stuff?
Indeed.. I worked out the numbers myself.. even playing the game 3 hours a day would take better part of half a year to complete a career based on Sam's figures.

Actually, it would depend a lot on player skills and also whether you opt being an all-rounder or a specialist. If I set myself as a specialist batsman and suck at batting (i.e. get out in single digits every time), the first year would end pretty soon.
^ That's very encouraging and impressive. Any idea of any zero point games?
What sort of things make you lose points?
They normally always find 1 point so they can get you to sign a waiver saying the game isn't perfect and that you absolve the platform holder of any issues with regard to merchantability of the product.
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