Don Bradman Cricket 14 PC PLAYABLE NOW!

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Ahh...beware the Ides of March...well, March is here so that means we could POSSIBLY get our grubby little mitts on DB14. My XBOX died the other day (good ole red ring of death...yay) so its going to be PC for me..*sigh*

Thankfully I've been biding my time with relearning the intricacies of flight and weapons delivery in the DCS A10C :yes
I hope @Ross has email notifications turned on and he's going to walk into work on Monday to a "...WTF is all this shit?!" response to his inbox.
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I hope @Ross has email notifications turned on and he's going to walk into work on Monday to a "...WTF is all this shit?!" response to his inbox.

He has no need for any emails because he apparently hasn't made any friends yet.

Poor Ross...
With less than 4 weeks to go to the end of March, any firm release date has been released?

Not happy with the way the release is being handled. The product is good, the release is not.

I was hoping to see official videos of the game in action - say a 5 over session between 2 teams showing batting, bowling, fielding, dynamic weather, time of day etc.

Hoping the game would still release on time end of March but with such little time left, no preorders, no listings anywhere, no official date of release, no announcements anywhere, I'm thinking it may be delayed further....

Which is fine as long as there's more media/announcement around it. Maybe the official website should be filled with videos, screenshots, announcements, multiple trailers, features, preorder links etc.

I was hoping to buy this on PC and if the game is good, I can buy it on PS3 and PC to support the developer. I don't want to wait 2+ months for a PC release. Hopefully will have it for US delivery (or can ship it here).

Lets see.... a mere matter of a week or two before they HAVE to put up the listings on retailers for a month end chance to get inventory shipped to them, listed etc. etc.
hows that release date coming along? Game has been ready for release since last July
hows that release date coming along? Game has been ready for release since last July

Read the first post like everyone else. But of course you are not looking for an answer are you, just an argument. Have fun.


With less than 4 weeks to go to the end of March, any firm release date has been released?

Not happy with the way the release is being handled. The product is good, the release is not.

I was hoping to see official videos of the game in action - say a 5 over session between 2 teams showing batting, bowling, fielding, dynamic weather, time of day etc.

Hoping the game would still release on time end of March but with such little time left, no preorders, no listings anywhere, no official date of release, no announcements anywhere, I'm thinking it may be delayed further....

Which is fine as long as there's more media/announcement around it. Maybe the official website should be filled with videos, screenshots, announcements, multiple trailers, features, preorder links etc.

I was hoping to buy this on PC and if the game is good, I can buy it on PS3 and PC to support the developer. I don't want to wait 2+ months for a PC release. Hopefully will have it for US delivery (or can ship it here).

Lets see.... a mere matter of a week or two before they HAVE to put up the listings on retailers for a month end chance to get inventory shipped to them, listed etc. etc.

Everyone needs to get one simple fact into their noggin: we have been given information that normally doesnt happen. Situations are dynamic as is Always the case. The difference here is that we have been privvy to some of those dynamics that are usually kept way out of view. It will release when it is ready in the manner that all parties involved feel comfortable with from both a practical and financial point of view. Dont like the ride, dont get in the car. It is their car, they paid for it and they will drive the journey they feel is right.
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Everyone needs to get one simple fact into their noggin: we have been given information that normally doesnt happen. Situations are dynamic as is Always the case. The difference here is that we have been privvy to some of those dynamics that are usually kept way out of view. It will release when it is ready in the manner that all parties involved feel comfortable with from both a practical and financial point of view. Dont like the ride, dont get in the car. It is their car, they paid for it and they will drive the journey they feel is right.

Totally agree, we wouldn't have known much at all if it wasn't for ross and others being open with us on PC. Just be grateful that we know this much about the process and the game. It will come out, the game is real, & what ever happens happens.
Read the first post like everyone else. But of course you are not looking for an answer are you, just an argument. Have fun.


Everyone needs to get one simple fact into their noggin: we have been given information that normally doesnt happen. Situations are dynamic as is Always the case. The difference here is that we have been privvy to some of those dynamics that are usually kept way out of view. It will release when it is ready in the manner that all parties involved feel comfortable with from both a practical and financial point of view. Dont like the ride, dont get in the car. It is their car, they paid for it and they will drive the journey they feel is right.

What are you talking about? Same applies to you too. There are lots of games where lots of information is released - look at Dark Souls 2 or even smaller games like Grim Dawn - developers do release lots of info. This isn't unique to just this game.

And Of course, I know it will release when it is ready. I'm discussing the logistics of the release date (this is the topic header and I not talking random stuff).
Being privy or not is not really my choice. It was the developers choice to come here and make us aware and that is good and I appreciate it. But that doesn't bar me from walking through the logistics of what has to happen and make a speculation which is what this forum is for.

I have never handled a release nor know what goes on it but here's what I think could be happening -

- code has to be developed with so much version control
- code has to be QA tested and a particular version is selected "master"
- that code has to be marked "gold" to be included into the final build
- that binary code has to be vetted and given to the disc makers - they won't just drop everything and print your copies same day
- # of copies has to be decided based on so many factors. Say they want to print 100,000 initial copies. That requires time from disc printer guys
- marketing labels have to be finalized along with things like the little books/game manuals etc. put into the disc
- Sony/MS has to approve this and retailers have to create SKUs
- after discs are all printed, retailers have to be finalized - who will distribute it.
- then it has get batched up and sent (say Amazon gets 25000 copies etc.)
- retailer has to list it etc.

I may be wrong in many steps but usually with other games you hear things like - game has gone "gold" meaning it is somewhere getting printed on DVDs and retailers get notified and put up release date etc.

They're the car makers, not drivers.... IMO, we are the party who will drive it or not.

I'm not lambasting anyone. I'm just speculating. Your comment is off trying to chastise me for speculating and that too on topic.
Why all of a sudden in this past week everyone is having a go at everyone? I get it everyone is frustrated with lack on details on release atm but this solves nothing. We are all here for the same reason. RELAX guys ! :)
Why all of a sudden in this past week everyone is having a go at everyone? I get it everyone is frustrated with lack on details on release atm but this solves nothing. We are all here for the same reason. RELAX guys ! :)
Yeah, but why don't you shut the hell up and get a life? *

I have never handled a release nor know what goes on it but here's what I think could be happening -
The truck carrying DBC Box ran into a ditch and they are reprinting it.
Bunch of angry PC mob stole tthe copies from BA office.
Ross forgot by mistake added some of the AC13 code from the AC13 debug thread to the game.
The janitors forgot to clean the office and the game is endlessly delay till its cleaned...
Yeah, but why don't you shut the hell up and get a life? *


Because this IS my life... Sitting here looking for more scraps of info... Eagerly waiting for a breakthrough... smelling victory only to be dashed by a sprinkle of aggression. haha
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