Don Bradman Cricket 14 PC PLAYABLE NOW!

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Millions of Americans... I bet that is less Niche than DBC. In America even a "niche" sport has bags of money in it. And that is a sport where there is a big crossover with gamers (in terms of fan profile /gamer profile) plus then there's just "a driving game"... I bet Ross would kill for Nascar 14's sales!

I mean in the UK. Are that many people over here going to buy it?! Maybe because I dislike anything related to cars going round a track over and over again my judgement has been clouded!
Millions of Americans... I bet that is less Niche than DBC. In America even a "niche" sport has bags of money in it. And that is a sport where there is a big crossover with gamers (in terms of fan profile /gamer profile) plus then there's just "a driving game"... I bet Ross would kill for Nascar 14's sales!

Yes I would, I do balance this want to kill by being a vegetarian though, so that makes is all OK :)

If DBC14 sold as many copies as our Sprint Cars games then I would be ecstatic, let alone selling as many as Nascar.
Yes I would, I do balance this want to kill by being a vegetarian though, so that makes is all OK :)

If DBC14 sold as many copies as our Sprint Cars games then I would be ecstatic, let alone selling as many as Nascar.

funnily enough I nearly changed "kill" to "eat a steak"...


I mean in the UK. Are that many people over here going to buy it?! Maybe because I dislike anything related to cars going round a track over and over again my judgement has been clouded!

not a fan of driving games either. but I reckon "driving" in general is an easier sell/more crossover appeal.

still amazed DBC isn't on amazon though...
funnily enough I nearly changed "kill" to "eat a steak"...


not a fan of driving games either. but I reckon "driving" in general is an easier sell/more crossover appeal.

still amazed DBC isn't on amazon though...

Yeah, you're probably right. Cricket being a long format game (even a t20 game is seen as too long by some non-cricket fans) with complicated rules to the uninitiated means cricket games are high unlikely to be bought by anyone but those who love cricket. I suppose what confuses me is that there are millions of cricket fans out there yet the market for cricket games is very small and I suppose the same can be said for rugby.

Racing games on the other hand - press this button to go and go around 10 times. Simple.
yeah. to be honest i was a touch surprised she knew it (the game) off the top of her head. guess i'm not the only one to have asked.

I remember the response I got from EB games.. which have been informed of the game for a very long time, of course.. the girl behind the counter was surprised that a) they were taking pre orders for it, b) that it was available on PC and c) that they had pre-order bonus for it.

I feel your response was more positive than mine with respect to knowledgeable response from a salesperson.

In relation to Amazon, I am not worried, the UK roadshow only happened very recently (not sure if Amazon would have been included in that.. but probably one of their main game distributors), and previewers have been told to hold off releasing info until a particular date. Still stand by my comment that I'm not worried until at least the end of this week for anything to change from the current situation.
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Would you listen to someone who said "I don't know anything about computers, but..." and then offered advice on how to fix your PC? Your post was exactly the same thing, so there's no point reading it. Its OK to speculate; but as soon as you say "I don't know anything" and then try to sound like an expert; then you're making yourself look like a bit of an idiot...
I find it odd that TruBlu don't have the trailer on their Youtube channel. You'd have thought they'd have that on there at the very least.

Roll on this week...
So any word from Tru Blu yet, any movement or life at all, do these guys give a ratsa$$ or is DBC14 one of the many games they will eventually get around to offering up some release information, if they can be bothered??

settle down snowynosey, its just a question..... no need to launch and all out offensive in defence of ross like usual.....
So any word from Tru Blu yet, any movement or life at all, do these guys give a ratsa$$ or is DBC14 one of the many games they will eventually get around to offering up some release information, if they can be bothered??

settle down snowynosey, its just a question..... no need to launch and all out offensive in defence of ross like usual.....

Well if DBC 14 has to meet the stated target release window of "March end" we should be getting some news this week.
So any word from Tru Blu yet, any movement or life at all, do these guys give a ratsa$$ or is DBC14 one of the many games they will eventually get around to offering up some release information, if they can be bothered??

settle down snowynosey, its just a question..... no need to launch and all out offensive in defence of ross like usual.....

I think their international road trip they did the other week is fair evidence that yes, they are very interested and are pushing behind the scenes to get everyone in place ready for the worldwide release date announcement and marketing campaign start.

They appear to also have had games press preview the game but told them to not release anything until a particular date has arrived.. probably the same as above.
Read the first post like everyone else. But of course you are not looking for an answer are you, just an argument. Have fun.


Everyone needs to get one simple fact into their noggin: we have been given information that normally doesnt happen. Situations are dynamic as is Always the case. The difference here is that we have been privvy to some of those dynamics that are usually kept way out of view. It will release when it is ready in the manner that all parties involved feel comfortable with from both a practical and financial point of view. Dont like the ride, dont get in the car. It is their car, they paid for it and they will drive the journey they feel is right.

Cant agree more. Game development is just no about coding adding graphics building AI etc etc. Its more then that, and that is making sure the game reaches the audience(because its made for them) in a manner that even the development team gains something. I agree that release date hasnt been announced(month is announced not actual date) but have you ever got any kind of support pre release of a game or response from the developers? Have you seen anywhere else where the developer has been into public answering questions doubts living upto the expectations so much? Even if game isnt released in March and takes a week or two delay I do not mind. They have made the game you seen the trailers videos, Cricket Academy why would they not want to release it? Just do not understand some peoples impatient nature. Every one out here who says just release the game or stupid tactics or xyz regarding release should be given a whip. Just go behind the scenes its NOT easy but still they have done their best and given their best. I am sure these cowards who with fake usernames asking to release the game or criticizing do not have .01% knowledge on what goes behind and how difficult it is.

To all naive people around here who just care about the game and not for people who bring you this game see this image and understand all these processes take time


Sorry for the blaber :p but its really irritating whenever you come to this section every one is just criticizing Big Ant and TruBlu. I would wait for another 3-4 months and play this game given how its awesome then play the shit off just to release sake game Called Ashits 2013 :)
I have to believe the longer we wait, the better the game gets. Ross has earned that much.
Not a public holiday here in Victoria... or if it is please don't tell my guys! :p
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