please upload any updates or videos... we are waiting for a long time,.,...for GOD sake
please upload any updates or videos... we are waiting for a long time,.,...for GOD sake
That sh#t'll keep GoneForADuck up at night...
Although there is absolutely NO evidence whatsoever for this "GOD" you speak of, it would be helpful if you could show evidence that demonstrates you are a mature, patient adult.
Go on, ask for a release date. I dare ya.
Although there is absolutely NO evidence whatsoever for this "GOD" you speak of, it would be helpful if you could show evidence that demonstrates you are a mature, patient adult.
Go on, ask for a release date. I dare ya.
Snowy, I can't believe we've got to 84 f'n pages of this kinda nonsense, the thread was done and dusted at post one!
2013. Post will be edited. Case closed. Just check the first page, bookmark it... when he edits it, we'll know. Eighty four pages... Jesus.
Keep me out of it, forum pervert!
This is like those people that, at the start of October say 'Christmas is almost here'. It's practically 3 months away.. that's a quarter of the year.. still a bloody long time.
You don't get it... Release dates are usually announced 6-8 months prior to the release and meanwhile all the advertising and stuff is done.
Also; for a new sports game; you should announce the release date a few days before release; because then you'll attract people to buy your game easier. Rather than "Ooh; there's a new cricket game coming in six months, I probably should get that", and then six months later the person has forgotten all about it and instead of playing DB14; they're doing something else; you'd attract someone's attension and ensure they buy the game by giving them no time to forget about it!
please upload any updates or videos... we are waiting for a long time,.,...for GOD sake
Then go back to Cricket 07 and quit complaining.we cricket lovers are being fooled by ross and MF, its right time for us to realize and move away from these "........" we have wasted our time in dreaming about these , one game is a fake and another game fearing like anything to release