Don Bradman Cricket 14 PC PLAYABLE NOW!

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I just wish that people would stop hassling ross about a release date its coming ross has said many times its passed console approval its not like its never coming out please your egos buy playing older cricket games or take are walk or take your wives or girlfriends out and leave it until we get a release date
I just wish that people would stop hassling ross about a release date its coming ross has said many times its passed console approval its not like its never coming out please your egos buy playing older cricket games or take are walk or take your wives or girlfriends out and leave it until we get a release date
Well said. But you could have broken the sentence to bring out clear meaning.
So when is ross delivering? Must be the third trimester as he said it can come out any time.
I didn't know Ross was a midwife, delivering in the third trimester an all that!! God bless you Ross not only are you a stand up guy, and a hard working developer if sports games but a midwife too!!!
So are we definitley getting the release date this week then.
So are we definitley getting the release date this week then.

There's a meeting with the key stakeholders and one would assume that a release date would be discussed.

It is not unreasonable to assume that we should here something by Feb 1.
Also there is a meeting this week with trublu about fixing the date for caesarean!
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