Don Bradman Cricket 14 PC PLAYABLE NOW!

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On what date do the optimists stop believing the game will release this month?
This is a very good point (though I don't agree with the won't give you any gaming at all). I see a lot of people proudly showing off their cards based on the memory when in fact they are not as good as they look. A majority of them, as said above, turn out to be entry level which can be beaten by even 512 MB (mid/high) level cards.

Yeah I kinda exaggerated that in a hurry i guess... What I meant was that they will perform like any other on-board card i.e. they suck... I specifically pointed this out because, like you, I've had a lot of people brag about getting a 2gb video card... Then they proceed to tell me how they're gonna upgrade their RAM cuz their games still lag... And I'm thinking "dude... it doesn't matter how cheap that 2gig card was... u got robbed"...I try to explain but they never listen to me either :\
Can you speak up, please? It's hard to hear someone properly when they currently reside deep inside another human beings a***hole on the other side of the world.
Sure, I like Biggs but I wouldn't go that far...

Ross has said that it will be a shorter marketing campaign than usual; that two weeks would be enough and that nothing has changed. I haven't seen this "general consensus" yet.
Two weeks from this Friday is the last Friday of March.

Ross has stated that Tru Blu's campaigns are 2-5 weeks long.

I think most will agree that they would think a March release is unlikely if nothing is heard this week - based on Ross stating the shortest length of Tru Blu's campaigns is two weeks.

Not really making shit up as you say, just putting the available facts together, using logic and coming to a reasonable conclusion. The person did ask for opinions after all.
Ok bro I don't know where you're coming from with that but I highly doubt that increasing 6gb of RAM will improve his gaming experience in a significant way... And by the looks of it he probably uses this PC for gaming since he is willing to buy a PS3 in exhcange.... Plus how did you come up with nVidia being the "cheaper alternative"? ATI/AMD has always been the cheaper(therefore better) alternative plus a lot of them take less wattage out of your PSU than nVidia cards... nVidia is only better when you're doing enthusiast level of gaming...

The truth is this guy has a fairly decent rig that will perform better with a GPU upgrade... Plus SSDs cost a fortune...


I think you should just focus on upgrading your PC rather than getting a PS3 unless you go for a PS4 which is better than all other options...

And when you're buying an ATI/AMD card... just remember this...
In the four-letter model #:-
The first number(Xxxx) tells you when it released and what series its a part of(generally newer is better but not in all cases as they are unnecesarilly costlier)...
The 2nd number (xXxx) tells you what level of gaming you can do with it (i.e. your current card 4350 can do level 3 of gaming which is almost equivalent to any on-board video card)... This is the most important number in the whole model and i think anything with x6xx or x7xx in it will suit you PC rig... x8xx will only bottleneck it so no point in that unless you plan on upgrading your CPU also...
The 3rd number (xxXx) points mostly about how much memory, clock speed and other things this level of card possesses(anything below xx6x is low-level).
The 4th number tells you whether it's a card for desktops(xxx0) or laptops/integrated (xxx5)...

This is all you need to know about ati cards and remember do NOT buy cards according to their "memory"... even 2gb video-cards exist which are entry-level and won't give you any gaming at all...

Thanks so I should just buy a nice card
Suggest me one which will fit in perfectly and I will buy one
And I got the ram yesterday 2 more gbs but shopekeper said motherborad works only with ddr2 so cant go more than 4 gbs...
Is it possible that this game could just 'sneak' onto the market ie. with very little fan fare, mainstream advertising or even an official release date. Could it just start appearing on shelves from Mar. 31 or is an actual definitive release date (rather than a release window) a vital component of the process. I honestly don't know.
Is it possible that this game could just 'sneak' onto the market ie. with very little fan fare, mainstream advertising or even an official release date.

I can only see that happening if the product in question is of horrible quality, which DBC clearly isn't
I can only see that happening if the product in question is of horrible quality, which DBC clearly isn't

That's actually the reverse of what generally occurs, Ashes 2013 being the exception, crap games get big marketing campaigns to make sales before word of mouth sets in.

I'm happy for this to be a sleeper and sell well over time, the CA makes it reasonably timeless.
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