Don Bradman Cricket 17 General Discussion

You should be more technically correct ,think better way to give an example.
Okay: theres this feck-wit who is worried he might actually use the sliders in a game and therefore thinks the sliders should be optional but doesnt realise he is talking absolute bollox...maybe you should run for US president?
Okay: theres this feck-wit who is worried he might actually use the sliders in a game and therefore thinks the sliders should be optional but doesnt realise he is talking absolute bollox...maybe you should run for US president?
The Planet Cricket wants to know, why did you step down from staff position? The exclusive and special staff tools would've come into play in such situations.
This discussion.. oops.. argument is going nowhere. :facepalm
Nothing wrong with you or your post. I am talking about my inability to Ignore your Moronic posts, the fault is with me, not you. I am blaming myself as I tried very hard to ignore but I failed, dont take it personally.

You should be in a valid way to justify your statement ,what Moronic posts you are talking about,let me know.
Moving on, I'm yet (or so I think) to see a beamer bowled at a batsman. If I remember correctly, it was confirmed to be in DBC14 but didn't see it there either. Hoping that it gets included, if not already in, via a patch or something.
Moving on, I'm yet (or so I think) to see a beamer bowled at a batsman. If I remember correctly, it was confirmed to be in DBC14 but didn't see it there either. Hoping that it gets included, if not already in, via a patch or something.
Press very full and try early, really late, some other combos should be somewhere..Dont think beamer can be bowled but knee high full toss might be possible I think, not sure though...Hope that doesnt become easy exploit and people start training themselves for that..
Hope that doesnt become easy exploit and people start training themselves for that..

Of course, it goes without saying that it shouldn't be allowed to be bowled at will; perhaps, only upon a hard-to-execute input combo. Do it wrong and it would become easy pickings for the batsman. Do it right and you can have that evil grin/taunt.
Just wondering would it be possible to illustrate on screen the ball condition and seam condition/position? Like somewhere near the bowling huds?
I was just thinking of how could the game show new players how swing and seam work, show how reverse swing comes about, what side the shiny side is for in/out swing, and also reverse swing. The best way I could think of is having a mini ball below/above the bowling HUD, with all relevant info on the ball characteristics eg: seam condition 75%, shiny side 75%, and rough side condition, reverse swing %.

The way I see it working is the ball would start out as 100% condition and would deteriorate by 1% each delivery until it gets down to 0%, and then it would start to increase by 1% each delivery for reverse swing. So in theory it would work as follows:
1st over) 100%-down to 94%
2nd over) 94%-88%
3rd over) 88%-82%
4th over) 82%-78%
5th over) 78%-72%
All the way to the 16.4 over mark when its at 0% conventional swing, and then reverse swing possibility starts:
17th over) reverse swing 2%-8%
18th over) 8%-14%
19th over) 14%-20%
20th over) 20%-26%
21st over) 26%-32%
All the way to the 25th over where the ball would have a 50% chance of reverse swing. *note I don't think the ball should have a chance of reverse until the ball is at least 50%(25th over) just because it seems to be a more realistic time frame. Anyway next phase:
33.4 over mark) 100% reverse, by this time % will start declining again.
34th over) 98%-92%
35th over) 92%-86%
36th over) 86%-80%
37th over) 80%-74%
All the way to the 41.4 over mark when the % would be back at 50%, therefore no more reverse swing.

Also I think you could have thing that enhance/decrease swing like bowler traits(new ball swing king, reverse swing bowler) or overhead conditions, shining the ball, pitches, etc. I mean some bowlers may have a 10% boost or decrease based on there skill and/or trait.

But yeah obviously there is a swing mechanism in the game already, it would just be nice to have a bit more info displayed in the next game. :)

Sorry for replying to myself lol, but was anyone interested in this? Or have an opinion? Or am i on everyones ignore list haha? All cool either way just double checking... I'm just thinking of how well tactics would work with this...spinners, preserving stamina for swing bowlers and that kind of stuff. Anyways feel free to ignore, just wasnt sure if it was lost in translation haha
Sorry for replying to myself lol, but was anyone interested in this? Or have an opinion? Or am i on everyones ignore list haha? All cool either way just double checking... I'm just thinking of how well tactics would work with this...spinners, preserving stamina for swing bowlers and that kind of stuff. Anyways feel free to ignore, just wasnt sure if it was lost in translation haha
I've read your post though I've missed it completely. Most of the time the ball which is 50 overs old would be very much perfect for reverse swinging. The way you have explained the mechanism is brilliant. Perhaps it needs some tweaking in order to be perfect. The 1st one being the no. of overs which the ball needs to be bowled to reverse swing it.
Is the latest PAX Aus gameplay video from the final product? Seems like the Broadcast cam has not changed (in contrast to the Academy'17). Don't kill me but that could be a big let down for some of us.
I've read your post though I've missed it completely. Most of the time the ball which is 50 overs old would be very much perfect for reverse swinging. The way you have explained the mechanism is brilliant. Perhaps it needs some tweaking in order to be perfect. The 1st one being the no. of overs which the ball needs to be bowled to reverse swing it.

Thanks mate, yeah I think with my theory if it reset after the decline at the 48 over mark, and started increasing again it would begin to reverse again at roughly the 57th over and finish at the 73rd over. Yeah definitely could use tweaking and other peoples perspectives :)
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It's amazing how the release of a game can trigger the ugliest in people...


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