Don Bradman Cricket PS4/Xbox One version discussion

Are you going to get the game for PS4/Xbox One?

  • Yes - on PS4

    Votes: 97 55.1%
  • Yes - on Xbox One

    Votes: 24 13.6%
  • Yes - on both

    Votes: 4 2.3%
  • No

    Votes: 51 29.0%

  • Total voters
This is the conclusion from the review on the site
"As a cricket nut, Don Bradman Cricket is the definitive version of the finest cricket game ever produced. It's also quite possibly the most limited "HD Remaster" yet produced for the console, but Big Ant has now cut its teeth on next-gen development, and I can't wait to see a proper sequel down the track to a game that I have spent more time playing over the past year than any other."
I can't say I disagree. The also gave it a resounding 4.5 out of 5.
Hi Guys, I am new to this board, I have been lurking over the last week or so, as I had serious interest in this game and I eventually bit the bullet and bought it yesterday for Xbox One. I am not a huge cricket lover, infact - I only know the basic rules of the game. However, I loved Brian Lara Cricket growing up and I always longed for a cricket game which could accurately provide a real simulation of the sport, which I seem to have found in DBC.

Firstly, I will get my moans out of the way. The price is way way too high on Xbox One. I paid the extra for digital (so thats my fault) but with a gift card, I have ended up paying £53.60. Thats more than I have paid for any game on the Xbox One...and no matter how good this game is, I cant help but feel like I have paid way more than I should have just for a digital version (even the physical version is £54.99 at many stores). £29.99 would be a price which would encourage many more sales surely......

Another issue that I am sure you guys want to be aware about , is the lack of promotion of this game in the UK. I had NO idea that this game existed until last week, when someone posted on reddit and asked if the game was releasing on the store. I was pretty shocked that for someone who frequents gaming news sites regularly, that I had never heard about this game in passing.

On to the good stuff! I am 6 hours in so far (all in one day...yep im addicted), and I am pretty blown away by this game. The amount of depth is incredible, the sheer amount of game modes, the career mode, the academy, the player creation suites, the goes on and on, and for a game made on a small budget I can gobsmacked at how much love has been put into this game. I love that I can do anything I want, I can play a 5 over game over four days if i want to....who cares if it dosen't make sense!

Batting is incredibly difficult but its by far my favourite part of the game at the moment. Having dabbled in playing cricket as a teenager, I always felt like past cricket games gave you so much time and way too much awareness of where the ball would be bowled...allowing you to line up every shot in advance. DBC gives you a split second to make a decision, and as frustrating as that can be, it is much more rewarding when you can start building up your score. Even two runs makes me feel like I have achieved something which is just fantastic. One question, nearly every out for me is an edge to the wicket keeper...I am not the best tactician when I am at the I doing something wrong? When should I be swinging and when should I be playing defensive shots? My best score is 33 so far but my average is something like 6!

I havent dabbled into Bowling enough yet to say much (I have been focusing on my career as a batsman) but the feeling of bowling someone out is great! I just dont really understand it well enough yet to know what I am doing! Spin bowling I am finding extremely difficult with the rotation of the left stick...but I will get there. Online was also very smooth from my one game.

I could say a lot more, but my overall feelings about this game are overwhelmingly positive. I just wish more people could experience it instead of being put off by the price. On the Xbox One reddit thread about this game, the top comment was someone saying that theyd love to try it..but not at that price.
So, after being irritated the entire weekend, having to wait for the game, I finally got it!!! Just went to pick it up.

Phoned the shops here in Pretoria on Friday, and no-one had it yet.
How much does it retail for in SA? The first game to break the R1000 mark?
Got mine for 825 rand from Kalahari and dropped off on my door step last Friday
So, after being irritated the entire weekend, having to wait for the game, I finally got it!!! Just went to pick it up.

Phoned the shops here in Pretoria on Friday, and no-one had it yet.

Should buy online as u get it day its out
Its a bad week. Played PS4 version Fri & Sat but away with kids on London until Weds:mad:facepalmso no DBC till then:noway:facepalm
Half term and the Cricket World Cup made me buy it again... I have no self control. I'm so glad that next gen games are region free as paying £60 was far too much for this or any game. Just glad to have it digital now!
Remote play works well too :)
Any news on how the launch has gone for PS4 and Xbox One? Or are you waiting for Friday for the first week figures?

I'm selling my copy for Xbox 360 (I don't have the console any more) and the current bid is £10. The World Cup is doing the trick.
Sony Europe is a separate entity (SCEE) to US (SCEA) there are separate stores, separate submissions and separate issues. There is a complication as the SCEA territory is digital only, no discs. We are trying to get it up on the store asap, no one wants it on the store any more than we do.

Unlike the PS3 version we are not the digital publisher at all anywhere - this also means we are one step removed from the process.

My guess is it will not be Tuesday, I can't see the necessary store updates being done in time.

On the last page, pal.

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