Downright Donkeys 2007/2008 Team Discussion Thread

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I am competing for a place in the first eleven with Colin then. Bring it on!

Since I am a newcomer though, you should give me a run in the side first. ;)
I think it'll work in your favour that Colin is a dud. Unless he reads this. Then I take my comment back and ask that he pretends it was said by Zorax.

Opening bats look a little weak compared to last year for mind.
There's only ever been one opening batter for the Donkeys, the other is just a fill-in. Sorry if that sounds harsh Moo, but the way I see it, you're the enemy now and I owe you nothing (unless you are willing to do 'those' deals ;))

Gentlemen in our club, I just had the most brilliant idea. Let's all post like crazy in this thread early so we get about 5-10 or even 20 pages ahead of the other teams, so we can say we're the active ones even though at the end of the day we can't be arsed. Supersoakers have already made it to three pages though, so we're a bit behind already.
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I think Colins ashamed to be playing alongside such a lazy captain. Drews probably asleep somewhere dreaming about Steven Gerrard

We can't spam like the other sides. I don't think Gilly fan or Will realise their donkeys yet :p Plmypilgrims never online anymore either, We'll have to get a new keeper in a whole seasons time unless he comes back I'd imagine.

Any idea when the season starts?
LF, are you suggesting that other teams spam in their threads :o, we use ours for immense and intense team discussions, how dare you accuse us ;)
I think it was a bit more blunt than suggesting. If it wasn't spam every thread would have about 4 topics, upcoming games, results, your own performance and team selection :p Thats all us donkeys talk about, we're perfectly on topic.
not, lol oh well. cristiano ronaldo is a sexy beast.
I have half a mind to delete that post, but this is only the donkeys thread and moderators deliberately ignore it for a reason.

The reason is that it makes Colin look bad.
ROAR! New season and a new-ish team. I realy like the idea of us wearing shorts when we play :p
ROAR! New season and a new-ish team. I realy like the idea of us wearing shorts when we play :p
Not an option. The velcro absolutely kills you when you put pads on when you have shorts on, and if we had to put trackpants on before we bat, we'd probably try putting them on without taking our shoes off, which involves hopping around like a goose.

And we are not geese, we are donkeys.
Okay, since Drew isn't coming, I've decided to post a bit about our XI.

Will_NA is a batting allrounder, so if he does get selected, he won't be opening. Hxcrocker will get the long-awaited push up the order or Jaz will open, in the hope that they both fail. But if Will_NA fails to post here (Jaz PMed him, but I think I'll do it as well), then Timofy retains his spot for the sake of team balance.
As for bowling, Skateboarder is likely to miss out early on as he is a Bowling allrounder and not a pure bowler. He'll sti out probably 2 games, a FC and a OD, and if he posts well, we'll drop Colin (Whom I'll be PMing too). The rest of the XI stays same, unless The Dynamos (Will PM him too) starts posting like mad here and forces his way into the team.

However, although this may indicate that I want to win, it doesn't mean that. I just want to promote activeness. Trust me, If I am trusted with posting the XI, it will be the reverse batting order - although Jaz will open seeing how that is his Achillies Heel. :)
No replies to my PM. So I guess Skateboarder is almost a cinch to be in the XI, provided he keeps his posting up. And Will_NA shall be sitting out until he too starts posting, meaning Timofy will bat at 3. Jaz will open :)
Okay. Well, you see, I've been running our team, and have decided to de-list you :)

Your now batting 11 in the first game :)

All seems good after the mess of the draft
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