Downright Donkeys 2007/2008 Team Discussion Thread

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Aww. But I had the XI so well set up :(
Meh, batting at XI just means that you are resorting to my reversed batting lineup :)
Right, lets suggest a team motto everyone?

My suggestion:

"It doesn't matter if you win or lose, as long as you earn a lot doing it"
I see Zorax has the captaincy of the rest of the world team, best do some research into who's worst Zorax :p
The squad has only 12 people, so it isn't easy :p

Also, Colin has quit Cricsim and the Donkeys. This means that Skateboarder should debut soon.
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And also when there's a Will, hopefully tassietiger is on the top of the list inheriting a large majority of the money.
Team Signatures

Thought seeing as everyone else is doing it we'd get involved too. Here's the psd if anyone wants to alter it to say their own thing. If you don't have Adobe then I can do it for you, just tell me what you want in there. If you do have Adobe but insist on being a pansy and making your own, then I will be deeply offended but would like a copy of your 'superior' sig.


  • donkeys.psd
    468.7 KB · Views: 25
Hah, yours is genius :)
And Will_NA has posted, so if Timofy fails to get a post in, Will plays.
Nice sig tassie, can I request one saying Leicester fox, right hand batsmen, he's got more blocks than legoland :p

Right-hand Batsman.

Right-arm off-spin

'Drives smoother than a Ferrari.'
I wanna change mine to...

So slow that, like Britney Spears, everyone wants him to quit when he reaches 30.
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