Well i bought the game today for the 360 aswell and my opinion of the game quickly changed. Its quite impressive and a good building block for EA for future versions. I love how the players actually do act like there real life counter-part, its fantastic. The ball seems so real aswell!!!
Some rants i have about the game is player collisions which are sometimes weird. Also not being able to do any skills makes it seem a bit basic.
But im enjoying it so far, and like Skateboarder said, the PA system in the background is pretty cool
Graphics 9.2/10 - This
is next gen graphics, absolutly stunning!
Gameplay 7.5/10 - Lack of skill, some annoying player collisions are the only thing keeping this game down, apart from that EA are heading the in right direction.
Sound 9.5/10 - Great detail, from crowd chants to that sweet PA system. Commentary is also quite good, although sometimes they can get abit behind the play, but thats not very often
Lasting Appeal 7/10 - There isnt alot in the game, but the challenges should keep you going for ages. That combined with the manager mode.