Brother can you update the editor so that it shows player potential attributes as well?
@TemPSaad Yes, I think this is possible. Currently, I am not happy with how the editor displays batting and bowling ability. The "batting level" and "bowling level" don't really make sense to me and I haven't updated this since 2008. Therefore, my plan was to fix this and then also add potential abilities to the editor. However, if you want it now, then I could add potential abilities today, then maybe tidy up the display later.
To be honest, I don't fully understand how the game represents ability and potential ability. From what I have read from the game developers over the years, there should be a "standard potential" for each of batting and bowling (and maybe one or more for fielding). A player's peak ability can exceed these potentials using training (and, to a lesser extent, if he is in good form).
There are separate ability attributes for batting, bowling and fielding. I'm not sure if there are separate attributes for ground fielding and catching. I have spent many, many hours trying to find the fielding attributes, but this is still work in progress.
Batting aggression and off-side/leg-side preference are visible in the game, so were easy to add to the editor. However, bowling aggression is hidden in the game, so is more difficult to be sure about. This will also be added to the editor when I am more confident it is correct.