Education - Just Marks/Grades or Acquiring Real Knowledge?


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X Rebels
Jan 3, 2010
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Again, based on my personal experiences I wanted to know what education is all about to some of the people over here? Obviously in India I can say it is all about marks/grades. My view is a bit different though. How's it like in other nations? I mean here right from a very young age we're pressurized to study as much as we can to score high. They say it's the future forgetting about our present. Many are actually happy doing this. I mean anyone can score by being a bookworm. There's no place for creativity or newness here. I'm really keen about how other people go about their education. I'd appreciate if you post your honest views.
For what I want to become (Aerospace Engineer), I need to have real knowledge. Really, I have never craved for marks. Even if I score less, I try to learn from my mistakes and never cheat in an exam.

What I believe is that Cramming, Cheating, Getting (Fake) Marks may seem to have big benefits but they are only short term. To get Long term success, you need real knowledge. And money isn't everything. If you crave for money, you'll never get it. And if you crave for your interest, eventually you'll get the money.

I got a very good rank in Second level of IMO (Int. Maths Olympiad organised by NSO), I only attribute that to my knowledge.
Again, based on my personal experiences I wanted to know what education is all about to some of the people over here? Obviously in India I can say it is all about marks/grades. My view is a bit different though. How's it like in other nations? I mean here right from a very young age we're pressurized to study as much as we can to score high. They say it's the future forgetting about our present. Many are actually happy doing this. I mean anyone can score by being a bookworm. There's no place for creativity or newness here. I'm really keen about how other people go about their education. I'd appreciate if you post your honest views.

You have me on your side of the rope, dude. I totally agree with whatever you wrote there. In India, at least in my state, one who studies till midnight and crams every word of his/her bloody book or ready-made notes from private tutors gets all the praises, accolades, and adulations from the teachers and one who uses his/her creativity or challenges the tradition by trying to innovate is overlooked. Not to forget that we have these flinging cram schools or 'coaching centers' as they are called in India for Class X board exams multiplying like bacterias and more than the children, it's the parents who seem to be excited like anything about them. If one needs thousands of extra tutions and extra coachings and hours of rigorous trainings and all to excel in exams after attending five days of school, his/her intellect must be seriously screwed.

What's worse is that many teachers of our school (and I'm sure it's probably the same situation in the rest of West Bengal) who are supposed to guide us and mentor us leave no stone unturned to drive a student into private tution schools run by him/her whether by hook or crook, and to lure more pupils they don't even hesitate to unfairly increase the marks of students taking tutions from them. And as the only thing which matters to our guardians is marks, they line up in front of these tutorial homes in hoards. :facepalm

End result- most of my friends who apparently take tutions from multiple teachers and study 24x7, don't even know the basic concepts of a subject. For example, we have hoards of students getting 90+, 95+ in English literature back here, but still, the standard of English is for all to see. I concede it's not our first language, but how screwed up can a education system be when an apparent topper of a school doesn't even know basic grammar? I myself don't follow the traditional methods of learning drilled into our head by our schools or attend any tution whatsoever and I think I'm doing just fine.

What's the most ludicrous is that though these students/parents as your rightly mentioned are so hugely concerned about their future, most of them don't even have a fixed aim in life. If they do, that aim doesn't go beyond being a doctor or an enginner. (Even then, if you ask a person what type of engineering or medical profession he wants to pursue, they will blankly stare at your face) :laugh And if someone has the balls to choose Arts instead of Science or Commerce, he is immediately tagged as a "failed student". Ironical, isn't it? This is one thing which nakedly exposes the FAIL nature of our educational system. I checked the net, and it appears that the same condition prevails in China, Japan and Korea too. Asians really need to grow up and realize that education is not just about mugging stuff and vomiting it out on the exam paper.
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I totally agree with what you have written, KC.
King Cricket, sadly what you say is true about the Asian system of teaching. I think it has a lot to do with culture and general mentality of the parents.
I think the thinking behind parent's pushing their children: Get high marks, get into get good college/university. Get a good job, lead a good life.
Which is a good mantra to follow as a parent, but they tend to over push their kids (which definitely need to change)
Don't worry,I have given the subcontinent an Educational System which will produce nothing but clerks
That was said by the British Head of Education when the Britishers left the subcontinent.

Sad that our governments gives no attention towards this most most important issue :facepalm.
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Again, based on my personal experiences I wanted to know what education is all about to some of the people over here? Obviously in India I can say it is all about marks/grades. My view is a bit different though. How's it like in other nations? I mean here right from a very young age we're pressurized to study as much as we can to score high. They say it's the future forgetting about our present. Many are actually happy doing this. I mean anyone can score by being a bookworm. There's no place for creativity or newness here. I'm really keen about how other people go about their education. I'd appreciate if you post your honest views.
The problem, my friend, is that I followed whatever you said throughout my life. Didn't care much for just the marks / praises, mostly went on my own. But our education system just doesn't have space for my kind of people. Look where I've landed. Even after 2 years of honest efforts to understand stuff (and not cram it in), my future is all dark and I can't see anything, because twenty thousand cramheads managed more "marks" than me in the exam. I want to pursue IT / Computer Science but seats for that are being allocated through a Physics / Chemistry / Maths based exam, and they care nothing as to what aptitude for Computers, does the candidate posess. Which means though I worked hard to change my hobby of Computers, into a passion and subsequently a career, I basically have no career because I overlooked what "everyone else is doing".
I know how you feel. That is what the problem is with the people here. I wish there was some room for humans here rather than for the ones who have become robots.
^ You know what really flares me up, User? It's when our media and society in general go euphoric over these idiot cramheads (that's a very nice term you used there, Kshitiz) who apparently top their Class X/Class XII board exams. You'd find their names everywhere in the newspaper, media personnels crowding near their home, asking them all sorts of questions from what brand of tissue papers they use, to how many cram schools they attended, and their cram schools giving advertisements to lure more students with the name of these shitty cramheads in the middle. Seriously, WTF is this?!! Either they are mad, or I am mad. I just can't see even the remotest reason behind this huge hype.

And to add to that, we have parents who are hell bent on focing their wards to study 24x7 so that they can hog the limelight after the and go to these channels after the board results are declared. WTF!! Since when has such ridiculous conceptions about education replaced the pursuit of true excellence and knowledge? Do they even realize that no matter how much they score in the exams, everyone will forget their names within a week.

King Cricket added 6 Minutes and 24 Seconds later...

That was said by the British Head of Education when the Britishers left the subcontinent.

Sad that our governments gives no attention towards this most most important issue :facepalm.

It has nothing to do with the British. It's the own failure of the Asians and we should accept that instead of deflecting the blame on other people.

And I don't know about other countries like Korea, China or Pakistan, but in India, we at least have one minister at the helm (Kapil Sibbal) who is paying attention and trying to address the issue sincerely. The guy tried to scrap the Joint Entrance Exams, including IIT JEE (the root cause of the problem) and replace it by an uniform entrance exam system throughout the country and some sort of a test which would have evaluated a student's skill in areas other than academics. But thanks to a bunch of frenzy parents, coaching center chiefs and all, he hasn't been able to implement it yet. Maybe he won't be able to implement it in his lifetime as one billion guardians are against him, but the endeavour he has shown is really laudable.
For the record, he even tabled the Right to Education bill a few days back, which made education free and compulsory for all children within 14 years of age and broke the hegemony of the upper class of the society in private schools.
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You're absolutely right. Wish someone could do something about this.

User2010 added 3 Minutes and 29 Seconds later...

Kapil Sibal is the person, yes. But, as you said there are about tons of problems for that man to overcome before he can do something.
The guy tried to scrap the Joint Entrance Exams, including IIT JEE (the root cause of the problem)

Are you crazy King Cricket ? IIT-JEE is one of the exams in India for which you require real knowledge and not cramming.

The top 1000 of IIT-JEE are really intelligent and hard-working students, they try to understand stuff and not cram it in. Just don't even think that IIT toppers are crammers.

varun_rustagi added 18 Minutes and 0 Seconds later...

If IIT-JEE and AIEEE are scrapped, the lives of 1000s of students will be wasted who can really build our science up.
Though I think that XII Boards are waste, IIT-JEE should never be scrapped.
It's not at all about marks and grades over here. We've probably gone too far the other way where no-one is allowed to fail.
Whatever education you partake in, it should be about developing yourself as a human being and your own unique talents and striving to achieve something should be recognized equally. Why should someone who achieves academically based grades and marks be thought of as being further or better than someone who is musical or socially talented or just damned kind? We need more kind people, not just more people with high grades......

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