Education Thread

Who are better? Male or female teachers?

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Or you can party hard for 8 months of the school year like I did just making sure you turn up to all your lessons so you got the stuff written down. Then just give it 2 weeks solid revision before the exams and you'll be fine. Seems the right balance to me?
There's no guarantee that Plan A works. Great grades does not equal a great job.
Ofcourse not. A great degree does :p

It isn't guaranteed, but you are likely to get a better starting job in a better firm with a better degree than with a poor degree. From there on you still need to work until you get the cushy job, but you are far more likely to get a cushy job with a better degree than you will without one, and you might need to work less for it too.
my first college exam (Internal):-
Results are:-
Math:- A+
Statistic:-A+(main Subject)
so passed with flying colours,college Fest tomorrow :banana2
Plan A - Study now, great grades, great college, great job, then party.
Plan B - Party now, okay grades, okay college, okay job, work hard.

I'm doing Plan A.

I went for Plan C

Party now, great grades, great college, great degree, great job, keep partying
There's no guarantee that Plan A works. Great grades does not equal a great job.
There's also no guarantees you'll be able to work hard enough to achieve what you want if you don't start early.

I'm not saying I do that, but I know as well as anyone how hard it is studying at the last minute or starting when it gets serious. Do what you want but don't drag others down with you :laugh
I'm struggling with this speech, and it's getting closer.

The cost of uniforms and stationary can be financially crippling. In a society where education is valued surely the least the state can do is provide the means for pupils to write with. In a school where pupils are barred from wearing their own clothes is it just to force additional financial burden onto parents? The basic precept is that education must be free and open for all. This speech will outline why we should get our equipment for free. Three points I am going to discuss are: how everyone would have the correct equipment, why the school should provide us with the required equipment, and how it helps the parents financially.

Uniforms, textbooks, exercise books, pens, pencils, erasers and other equipment students require are expensive. The uniforms alone usually push prices into 3 figures, and when you add it all up, it’s a nightmare for parents. If the school and government provided the equipment to the students, then it would be supporting the parents financially. In the current economical crisis, people are struggling to get by each week. More people are losing jobs than ever before. To compound this, prices of products and services are rising, so that companies can still make a profit. Proving the uniforms and equipment to students for free would be a huge helping hand to many families.

School is compulsory, right? You have to go to school until you comply with the laws that actually let you leave. If you are forced to go to school, why should you have to pay for the equipment to do so? I’m sure if I asked for a raise of hands, then most of the people in this room would rather be somewhere than here at school right now. Maybe at home, maybe at the beach, maybe down at the oval with some mates. But not in a classroom doing boring English work and getting in front of the class to talk about a topic that they don’t even want to talk about! Schools should provide us with the gear we need, because really, who wants to pay for something they don’t want to go to or do?

If there the required equipment handed out to students, for example at the beginning of the year, then there wouldn’t be anyone without it. No excuses. Then the teachers could punish kids without equipment easily. No excuses. There would be no “but I didn’t bring my book”. No excuses. Simply put, there is no excuses.

Any ideas? It's supposed to be 2-3 minutes IIRC, it seems a bit long. Haven't timed myself yet, though.
It's a speech of two halves really. You still need to address the points I made about structure and over-colloquial language.
I suggest you change the "example text" I gave you a bit as it doesn't fit in with the rest of the speech.
Plan A - Study now, great grades, great college, great job, then party.
Plan B - Party now, okay grades, okay college, okay job, work hard.

I'm doing Plan A.

Or party now, study hard for the classes you want to, and scrape through the others. I want a multimedia related job - hence my top marks in Multimedia and IST.
Or party now, study hard for the classes you want to, and scrape through the others. I want a multimedia related job - hence my top marks in Multimedia and IST.
Yea, that makes sense too. It's essentially what I did, I didn't bother with Psychology/TT/IT too much. They were useless. Just chose to study hard for the subjects I needed, get great grades in them, and relax once I'm studying in college having it paid for by the college/government/scholarship program :p
I went for Plan C

Party now, great grades, great college, great degree, great job, keep partying

I personally think that should be engraved onto PlanetCricket somehow. Sums up how I feel about University.

Work hard, play harder.
Surprised Zorax has been around belting his A level results into us yet, Out of Interest for you all, in my GCSE's I got 2 A*'S, 2 A's, 5 B's, 2 C's. All with little to no revision. So I was right about the piss poor state of education in England. I have moved to Switzerland and am doing the International Baccaleaureate, and I love it :)
That speech was terrible. I didn't present it well, plus I made notes and scribbled on my palmcards on the morning of the speech, cause me to mess up in my conclusion (or maybe it was the final point).

Oh well, it's over and done with now.
Practice makes perfect; just learn from it and move on.
Good memory techniques for speech making are usually visual. Imagine your speech as a journey with object being associations and visual prompts. Ideally you want to speak from headings and bullet points rather than over-complicated notes as it lets you engage with the audience better.
Surprised Zorax has been around belting his A level results into us yet, Out of Interest for you all, in my GCSE's I got 2 A*'S, 2 A's, 5 B's, 2 C's. All with little to no revision. So I was right about the piss poor state of education in England. I have moved to Switzerland and am doing the International Baccaleaureate, and I love it :)

Or the fact that your GCSE's are a generic set of subjects and aren't specialist in any way or form. No point making them tougher when you won't be using them 3-4 years down the line, if even that long.

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