Education Thread

Who are better? Male or female teachers?

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Got a D on my History coursework which was no surprise. The teacher was a douche. This new female one (Cambridge Grad) took over our class fully in March and guess what I got in the module she taught?


If only she was there at the start.
Nice. I know what you mean, my whole grade got As in TT with a certain teacher for one year, but the other two years with the idiot teacher saw them get Cs and Ds. Me included!
Fairly happy with my AS results: Media - B, English Lang + Lit - C, P.E - D, General Studies - E and Maths - U.

Happy with Media and English, although very disappointed with PE as I only got an E in the exam. Probably going to re-sit it. I knew Maths was shocking and have already dropped it, so not really that bothered. Overall mixed, but more happy than disappointed especially seeing as my two most important ones were the best two.

Does that not sound like a fail? :laugh

In England, we don't like to use F for fail. That wouldn't be enough. The examiners want you to know that they thought your work was so pointless, they didn't see reason in bothering to grade it. It devalues their life to waste effort dissecting this worthless piece of ████ you call work. We English are nice like that. I got a couple of U's in my time. :)
Too many people from UK on here are happy with mediocrity... Not saying it's a bad thing, but it's unusual to see as an Indian with Indian parents.
If it's not broke don't fix it, if you're failing it, drop it. The staple of every English student. Well, most of us.
Too many people from UK on here are happy with mediocrity... Not saying it's a bad thing, but it's unusual to see as an Indian with Indian parents.
That's because that's all you need. What's the point of studying like mad and getting As when you can enjoy life and scrape a pass?
Trust me, Year 13 is not the time to be taking that logic on board.
Got an A in History and Psychology then a B in Politics 3 marks off an A that im gonna retakes. LSE here i come!
That's because that's all you need. What's the point of studying like mad and getting As when you can enjoy life and scrape a pass?
Plan A - Study now, great grades, great college, great job, then party.
Plan B - Party now, okay grades, okay college, okay job, work hard.

I'm doing Plan A.
Plan A - Study now, great grades, great college, great job, then party.
Plan B - Party now, okay grades, okay college, okay job, work hard.

I'm doing Plan A.
There's no guarantee that Plan A works. Great grades does not equal a great job.

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