Education Thread

Who are better? Male or female teachers?

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Finished college yesterday. 2 months off. I'm doing my best to think what to do to stop me getting bored. Work, driving, doing up the house is on the agenda I think.
I'm on Work Experience for two weeks (3 days into it), and it's pretty good. I'm working for some business which is located in the posher side of the city center, hence I'm the only brown guy there :D

They're a compuand they computer company and they assemble computer sh!t and install networks for companies and schools. Built about 6 PC's in two days doing it and it's actually pretty fun, it's a lot like Meccano and makes you feel somewhat intelligent.
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And to picture everyone in the nude.

(Heard this one so many times, don't know how it actually helps nerves :sarcasm)
I finally started my psychology. Got to make a revision booklet about the approaches to psychology and debates & issues around them. I haven't had to be in the frame of mind for work for months, but the start of term is coming up and I'm busy after next week. Must get it done, even if it is boring! :crying
I find this helps when doing a speech, it might seem important to you but no-one really cares, they just want it out of the way. If everyone is doing one then do yours first, everyone is thinking about their own and pays you no attention whatsoever.
I find this helps when doing a speech, it might seem important to you but no-one really cares, they just want it out of the way. If everyone is doing one then do yours first, everyone is thinking about their own and pays you no attention whatsoever.

I'm not going first!

I think the teacher has a list and reads it out like that, so you've just gotta be ready to go up and do it.
lol, just answered the poll. How can female teachers be better. All the male teacher's I have had except for 1 were good. I can only think on 1 good female teacher I have had since I started high school. Lets think

Yr 7 English: F - Good Teacher
Yr 7 Maths: M - Alright
Yr 7 Science: M - Good teacher, would always let us do prac and can understand him easily.
Yr 7 History: M - Funniest teacher
Yr 7 Geography: F - Didn't like her

Yr 8 Maths: F - Didn't really like her although I didn't hate her.
Yr 8 English: F - Teacher was a bitch
Yr 8 History: F - Teacher was a bitch again
Yr 8 Geography: M - Favourite Teacher (is my commerce teacher at the moment) always good to talk to about sports
Yr 8 Science: F - Alright, never let us do prac though

Yr 9 English: F - Nearly worse than previous English teacher

And you get my point.
Male teachers are better.

I've got on, he comes down to the nets and bowls at us, and always talks to me about cricket and stuff when I walk past or when I'm in his class.

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