Education Thread

Who are better? Male or female teachers?

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I wasn't sure how old were you. :p Well I'm still not. But what I'm more interested in knowing is what all you're taught in Chemistry and Physics at this [or what] age?

Hmm. You can find what it taught to 13-16 (GCSE Level) Year olds here.

Chemistry, Biology and Physics. Just click on one of them and look at the Specification...I think.

Oh it also depends on what Exam Board you are doing. AQA and Edexcel are the major boards.
Sounds very interesting though. I assume your doing Physics?

You assume correctly, and bits of it are really interesting. Lots of stuff that isn't particularly but you still need to know before you can do more interesting stuff.

The exam today went fairly well, just 1 left!
Depends who you're shadowing. I've said this before but I shadowed an MP and it was pretty cool.

I suppose so. I shadowed check-in and office staff so you can imagine the tedium of standing around watching people not doing much.
GPA of 3.8 by putting in literally zero effort. Life is goooood.
I just looked through my statistics book. Oh dear. I will actually have to work my arse off for this exam. Well I will do tomorrow and Thursday. However the weekend I have an empty house, and it's my mates birthday on Friday night. So it looks like Friday and Saturday are out. Oh noes. Thing is I can actually do this subject but this is what I get for being a lazy twat. and my mates distract me so I blame them. Teacher should have put us in a seating plan. Blame the teacher. Maybe say I have family issues too when they ask why I did so bad. Seems like a good shout. If I worked as hard on my subjects as I did coming up with excuses not to work hard I'd be alright.
Well I've got an assignment due tomorrow, and all I've done is the title.

I'm going to stay up as late as it takes to get it done.
Fo' an' a half hours today. I fell asleep 5 times during English. Fair to say I bombed it. Staying up all night revising doesn't work!
Does noone else do work shadowing? Most people I talk to don't know what it is. It's like work experience but instead of running errands and making tea you follow around someone in their profession.

Not heard of it, though should have put two and two together.

When I did my work experience at school (2002 or 2003) I didn't do that. Just spent 4 days in a finance department sorting invoices, then did a half day with the IT support guy and did something that didn't make me want to move to Bridgend!

I think it's kind of pointless in a sense, because if I'm doing "work experience" I'll get that experience of what they do anyway. I'm currently on a work placement (if I call it work experience it makes me sound 15 again :D). Got a big logbook from college, so unrealistic to fill out half of it though. Just not practical in a working environment.
I fell like such a nerd, I passed my first year :( (It's the stuff at the far right which counts)

Maths when you use computers is class.

Back at school for 4 weeks, it's crap.
Sounds like an interesting course with anthropology, vikings and the renaissance.

Although not psychology.

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