Education Thread

Who are better? Male or female teachers?

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My first A2 on Monday. History. Bricking it.

I have an assignment due on Monday, but luckily we have a public holiday (Queens birthday) and that gives me the extra day.

I'm struggling to find the motivation to do my assignments and stuff.

Think I will just work until Afterburn (recaps the week of WWE) come on in just over an hour.
I keep putting it off, and I'm feeling really tired after only getting 6 hours of sleep last night, and knowing my family they will probably be loud again tomorrow morning and I will end up waking prematurely again.

I have nearly finished my art assignment.

1. Art
2. Geography
3. Maths
4. English

Just a personal note for myself. I want to knock that off tomorrow, I think the problem with the long weekend is you don't feel a sense of urgency. There has been no rush to get the work done so far, but tomorrow it will be chaos.
Why do something today, that you can do tomorrow?

Very common, I've done it loads of times.
Why do something today, that you can do tomorrow?

Very common, I've done it loads of times.

Yeah that's true, but I hate the fact that tomorrow I am going to be wasting lots of time - actually, spending lots of time, because getting an education isn't wasting time - doing homework and assignments when I have better things to do.

Also, I might get stressed out and disappointed if I don't finish it, which will lead to me getting down on myself for not preparing better or having the willpower to do it when I had 2 spare days and spend them on Battrick and forums.
I keep putting it off, and I'm feeling really tired after only getting 6 hours of sleep last night, and knowing my family they will probably be loud again tomorrow morning and I will end up waking prematurely again.

I have nearly finished my art assignment.

1. Art
2. Geography
3. Maths
4. English

Just a personal note for myself. I want to knock that off tomorrow, I think the problem with the long weekend is you don't feel a sense of urgency. There has been no rush to get the work done so far, but tomorrow it will be chaos.
I highly recommend you DO NOT get into the habbit of doing that, I did and I'm now handing in rushed coursework which I did the night before when I could do much much better.
Why do something today, that you can do tomorrow?

Very common, I've done it loads of times.

I've done it everyday for the past four weeks, now I have about 5 pages of History coursework to do for tomorrow :eek:.
I just left work experience, had a little look around but in the end I just couldn't be bothered :p. I do work in my parent's shop anyway :D.
First ever real GCSE exam on Thursday. Confident since I've actually revised this time.
I've got Electricity and Magnetism tomorrow, followed by Structure of Matter, Vibrations and Waves and Quantum Physics on wednesday. Uni exams are hard :(
I've got Electricity and Magnetism tomorrow, followed by Structure of Matter, Vibrations and Waves and Quantum Physics on wednesday. Uni exams are hard :(

Sounds very interesting though. I assume your doing Physics?
I had my work experience at Leicestershire CCC last year. What a pile of crap it was. No cricket on because the season had finished. Spent 3 days packing membership envelopes and the rest doing stuff like handing out leaflets to houses around the ground or other errands.

Never get work experience at a cricket club unless it is mid-season!
Isn't almost all work experience in June/July?

I'm currently on a placement at Sussex CCC, it is for 5 weeks though.
Final exams are over -

Biology - 101% A+
Calculus - 97% A+
Chemistry - 88% - It was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HARD. Absolutely impossible. B+ :(:(
Spanish - 92% - A- Didn't study for it
English presentation I whipped up in 10 minutes on the morning it was due - 96% :D

Still got 3 half days of school to go. I still have a test tomorrow and a lab activity on tuesday, seriously what is the point.

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