Education Thread

Who are better? Male or female teachers?

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You model page 3s? What a weird torso you must have!

Work experience is okay atm, good fun, great work ethic. Hard though, lifting 18 gallon beer barrels earlier.
Juxtaposition. OMG!!

Chem exam tommorrow.


And Media Studies is like English Literature with TV instead of books. I've always maintained Lit is fairly useless unless you want to be a writer, and that anyone who cares enough could pass it without too much effort. Same here.
I wish summer vacation didn't sound so inviting! At least until exams are over. I open my biology binder to start studying and then I go,"......nah" and go back to doing what I was doing before. w00t, only 1 more week!
Juxtaposition. OMG!!!




Well, technically, 2 days. But still!!! ALMOST HOME!!!
I imagine the problem will either be waivered as it was their fault, or you re-sit the exam.
Wow, scarily similar to what happened in my AS Business retake on the 21st May.

There were 3 invigilators.

We had encountered them all before from AS exams. One of them had a reputation for being a bit dopey.

First off, she gave us the question sheet with no answer booklet, giving me two question sheets instead.

Secondly, she stopped some people writing to check their details on the sticky tape thing.

Thirdly, for basically the whole exam, the duration on the board said from 9:15 to 10:45 when the exam was only 60 minutes.

Lastly, she stopped one person taking the same test in a different row 5 minutes before she stopped us. We were waiting for her to come over and collect our papers but she just stood over him as we carried on.

In my English exam, one of the invigilators came up to us after we had completed it to ask if she had given us the right exam! It's a bit late.
On the same day as Will (21st May) I had my Applied ICT exam but the papers were locked in a filing cabinet and the woman who had the key to the filing cabinet was at another school, so the exam was delayed for 24 hours!
What happened today in our exam was absolutely ridiculous: Invigilation Ineptitude Freebie from the Flames

Has anybody else had anything like this? What will the exam board do? Can we have marks deducted for being given too much time?

Wow, scarily similar to what happened in my AS Business retake on the 21st May.

There were 3 invigilators.

We had encountered them all before from AS exams. One of them had a reputation for being a bit dopey.

First off, she gave us the question sheet with no answer booklet, giving me two question sheets instead.

Secondly, she stopped some people writing to check their details on the sticky tape thing.

Thirdly, for basically the whole exam, the duration on the board said from 9:15 to 10:45 when the exam was only 60 minutes.

Lastly, she stopped one person taking the same test in a different row 5 minutes before she stopped us. We were waiting for her to come over and collect our papers but she just stood over him as we carried on.

In my English exam, one of the invigilators came up to us after we had completed it to ask if she had given us the right exam! It's a bit late.

On the same day as Will (21st May) I had my Applied ICT exam but the papers were locked in a filing cabinet and the woman who had the key to the filing cabinet was at another school, so the exam was delayed for 24 hours!

My media exam ran over by 10 minutes on Monday.
I feel rather left out with a competent (I think) set of exams officers.;)
Oh, yeah, I forgot to mention the one who sat at the front of the hall doing absolutely fearsome tweak all.
Just had Chemistry C2 Exam today. Breezed through it. :cool:

Except for the Ammonia bit.
I had a Maths and English test last week, and have English and Maths work to do, and a Geography and Art assignment. I was supposed to be working on them lots today, but lost track of time, so working on them for a bit tonight, then getting some shut eye, then getting up and doing some more.

Also, I got 62% on my combined Maths tests. If I studied I reckon I would have been at least 70%. At least I will still be in the advanced class.

Jakester1288 added 44 Minutes and 31 Seconds later...

I keep trying to read some more of The Hobbit, but books put me to sleep seeing as I usually read books before bed and I'm usually in bed a couple of hours ago. Maybe time to attempt the maths work, because I'm way to tired to do an assignment.

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