Education Thread

Who are better? Male or female teachers?

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Just had Chemistry C2 Exam today. Breezed through it. :cool:

Except for the Ammonia bit.
I wasn't sure how old were you. :p Well I'm still not. But what I'm more interested in knowing is what all you're taught in Chemistry and Physics at this [or what] age?

Kshitiz_Indian added 2 Minutes and 4 Seconds later...

Final exams are over -

Biology - 101% A+
Calculus - 97% A+
Chemistry - 88% - It was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HARD. Absolutely impossible. B+ :(:(
Spanish - 92% - A- Didn't study for it
English presentation I whipped up in 10 minutes on the morning it was due - 96% :D

Still got 3 half days of school to go. I still have a test tomorrow and a lab activity on tuesday, seriously what is the point.
Calculus... nice. Did you have integration / differentiation from the basics in your syllabus, or just some basic formulaes and putting them to work?
Call this the wrong attitude if you will, but I've finished my thing that is most due, the Art assignment. That was due tomorrow, I've done it. English is due on Wednesday, which is a lot of work, maths is easily do-able by Friday and my Geography assignment (which I haven't even started) should be done by Thursday/Friday (don't know the actual date).
I have no school, no exams, nothing anymore.

Guess that's a bad time to rub that in huh? :p
I have another year in school, then Uni, then studying for my Masters, and then attempting to get a PHD in Mathematics. It's a hard life :(

Since you are here - check the Cricsim Leagues. The Donkeys could use some posting from you.
I have another year in school, then Uni, then studying for my Masters, and then attempting to get a PHD in Mathematics. It's a hard life :(

Yeah it sucks doesn't it.

Since you are here - check the Cricsim Leagues. The Donkeys could use some posting from you.

Nah. I'm not really interested in CricSim on this site. I have another site, that IMO has much better CricSim. I am here for mainly Cricket Discussion, but also to talk about Battrick, seeing as I just start. I have confined myself to the Cricket Discussion section for months, and now I am slowly heading out to some other sections for a gander.
I did my work experience in mid May 2007. I do my work shadowing from 6th July.
Does noone else do work shadowing? Most people I talk to don't know what it is. It's like work experience but instead of running errands and making tea you follow around someone in their profession.
Got our reports back. On mostly A*'s and A's although I'm on B/C for German and C for R.E.. I couldn't care less about RE tbh and we've done our final exam for it. German is OK but I could do better, just I find it really hard. I have to see my German teacher and Physics teacher. My Physics is for satisfactory homework and attitude.
I did work-shadowing for my Work Experience. Most boring thing ever. It's also awkward when you're following someone around who's trying to do their work and doesn't really want you there.
Does noone else do work shadowing? Most people I talk to don't know what it is. It's like work experience but instead of running errands and making tea you follow around someone in their profession.

I reckon I'll be doing that. Hope he/she gives me a random task on a computer to complete throughout the day.
I did work-shadowing for my Work Experience. Most boring thing ever. It's also awkward when you're following someone around who's trying to do their work and doesn't really want you there.

Depends who you're shadowing. I've said this before but I shadowed an MP and it was pretty cool.

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