Education Thread

Who are better? Male or female teachers?

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Tom you won't be laughing at the credentials of media when I got a job at the Guardian and start making the big munnies.
If I ever see Matthew (Roberts, isn't it???) reporting for the Guardian, I'll happily say it is a worthwhile subject ;) Until then, I'll still maintain it is a fake subject made up so as everyone can now leave university with a qualification.
My first final exam tomorrow morning. Calculus. I've skipped a half day of school today to study, and it's going alright i guess. Biology final wednesday and chem final thursday. I've got an Spanish final on Friday and an English presentation that day as well. A 25 page paper on Bohr's model (Which was very bohr-ing to write, badum tish!) due tomorrow, and luckily I got it done over the weekend.

After this week of hell, i'll be freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
If I ever see Matthew (Roberts, isn't it???) reporting for the Guardian, I'll happily say it is a worthwhile subject ;) Until then, I'll still maintain it is a fake subject made up so as everyone can now leave university with a qualification.
And you'd be talking out of your arse as usual.

There's no such thing as a 'fake' subject, Media Studies is funnily enough the study of the media. It is the most interesting subject I have ever taken.
Pretty sure you look at media in English. Yep, I definetly remember doing that. Anyway, each to his own, I am sure a CV with Media Studies, General Studies and Sociolgy will be just as valuable as a CV with English, Geography and French for example at A Level........
Going to Richmond tomorrow for Geography. We have to do loads of work in about 6 hours so no relaxing there unfortunately. And the coursework counts for 25% of my final grade. If you do badly you're kicked off the course :S.
Blonde girl called Kathrine, lived at a B&B. Met her on a holiday there. That was about 4 years ago, made quite an impact on me for me to still remember her name.

Your random fact for the day, Mani ;)
Tom you won't be laughing at the credentials of media when I got a job at the Guardian and start making the big munnies.

I reckon that most people at the Guardian, or indeed working in the media at all, do not have a Media Studies A level or degree. It is often said that English Literature is the best course to take in order to have a career in the media.

I'm not going to be patronising enough to say that it isn't a "proper" subject, but I wouldn't want to do it. Not because I don't find it interesting - I do, and following media happenings is a hobby of mine, but because I don't find it academically rewarding, only interesting.

That's my two-penneth on it all, anyway...
I reckon that most people at the Guardian, or indeed working in the media at all, do not have a Media Studies A level or degree. It is often said that English Literature is the best course to take in order to have a career in the media.

I'm not going to be patronising enough to say that it isn't a "proper" subject, but I wouldn't want to do it. Not because I don't find it interesting - I do, and following media happenings is a hobby of mine, but because I don't find it academically rewarding, only interesting.

That's my two-penneth on it all, anyway...
English Literature bores me, though. That's why I didn't take it. I've done 11 years of school, being force fed painfully boring subjects like maths, now I have a chance to do things that interest me.
Who cares about my future! :p
It's a good job i'm an A grade student in both English courses as well then.

I was clearly not being serious about working for the Guardian btw.

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