Education Thread

Who are better? Male or female teachers?

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Had my English exam today. I was bricking it this morning but the paper wasn't that bad. Think I nailed the 64 marker, well it was definitely better than my answer to the 32 mark question.

Two down, four left :p
I have finished AS level psychology now, my first paper on memory, attachment and research methods was on Wednesday and the second on stress, social influence and psychopathology was this afternoon. I thought it went well, a C/D grade would be great in that.

Three exams done now, three to go. A paper on education and research methods in sociology (:sleep) Monday morning, Applied ICT on Thursday afternoon and Media Studies on audience and institution on 1st June.
GCSE AQA maths non-calc was very strange. Differntly presented and worded to any practice paper we did :( hoping for a B
No exams till June 8th. Late exams is win. Particular when I hit Glasto a few days after I finish. YEAAAH.
Got a frickin D, ah well it was only a mock. Missing out questions really doesn't help. Hopefully I'll get better on the real one in June...
Almost done with the year!!! Bring on summer vacation!
No exams till June 8th. Late exams is win.

That's why I don't miss school :p Uni is already finished by then and I only have 3 more exams which don't even count to my final degree. Don't want the term to end, I know I will miss being a first year and the fact that it is the biggest piss take since kindergarten for actual work being done. Life is speeding up too much, I need to stop having fun :(
Well, I'm seriously concerned about my course, looks like there may be 3/4 of us next year. I can only hope they integrate our units with the first years. Being a late-comer (well, not straight after school anyway) back to education, I don't want to miss another year, though I'd probably re-take this course, including the first year, if it meant I could achieve it. Though that would mean that including a 4 year Uni course, I wouldn't be done till I was 27...

In good news, I start the placement on Tuesday, I get to wear casual:banana2 as we're prepping for the start of the T20s.
Nah, seems like next year may be odd, but it should definitely be on. :D Just integrate our units with the 1st years.

Tomorrow I have a lesson with our Marketing/Promotions tutor, then I'm done. Need to wrap up some bits for Team Leadership and sort out the work experience unit, then I'm done. Fully plan on laying about watching the Ashes this summer, maybe some part time work, learn a language and learn to drive.

Did English and a maths retake today. Not happy. I worked my arse off for the retake so I was well upset that I still found it hard but just hope Friday's exam is alright. English was tough but expected and think I did acceptably. Will be upset with less than a C although a D is very possible given I spent half the time tightening my abs in a desperate attempt to stop my stomach rumbling really loudly :p I swear I get the creaky chairs,tables and all sorts.

Maths on Friday will be hard and after half term i am really confident.
Completely and utterly failed my Maths Stats paper. I missed half the paper out. I couldn't remember absolutely anything despite knowing it just a few hours before. My prediction is less than 10 out of 75.

On the other hand I think PE went okay. The paper started hard but got easier as it went on. Anatomy and Physiology was the toughest, Social Culture Studies was the easiest.

Just two left now, with Maths Pure Core 2 tomorrow and Media on 1st June.
Finished my 3 AS retakes. My last retake is English Unit 4.

Business Unit 3 was ridiculous. It's on external influences yet all of the questions related to the workforce.
Had 3 AS exams last week (General Studies, English and ICT). Got Law tomorrow:(. Then am off for 2 weeks before History on the 8th June, at last some part of study leave where I don't have to revise (that much).:cool:
Finished Psychology AS (Cambridge syllabus, went allright), Physics AS (New Edexcel Syllabus, it sucked), and Statistics AS (Edexcel, went well). Only Chem (Edexcel new syllabus) and Core 2 left. Should do well in C2, will hope to do well in Chem.

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