Education Thread

Who are better? Male or female teachers?

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That's a good point too. I have heard of all sorts of stories where people get 5 or 6 As at A-level and can't get a uni place because they have nothing else to give. The lesson: school work is not everything!
Literally died of boredom in Induction today. I just want to get in to the course, you don't need to tell me about chuffing food hygiene stuff, I know it all!
My student loan was finalized this morning. Take that tax-payers!

But yeah, I move to my halls on the 20th this month and I absolutely can't wait. Gonna be a bit homesick at first, but that's just the way it is.
Changed my whole plans on school heaps over the last few years. My plan is to take up sports journalism, found a sweet online course that I could do. I am thinking about leaving after year 10 to do a course on sports journalism at TAFE, before doing an online uni course (or maybe even a normal uni course), on sports journalism.
My student loan was finalized this morning. Take that tax-payers!

But yeah, I move to my halls on the 20th this month and I absolutely can't wait. Gonna be a bit homesick at first, but that's just the way it is.

What you doing?

Never thought Fda's were worth the paper they were written on tbh.
I do agree with Nigel here. FdA's generally don't run full-time, which is perfect if you need to work, if not, you're better in A-levels or BTECs.

I did a BTEC, it got me to University, and ahead of A-levellers I've got more experience. That means i'm more employable.
Need to do my courses for uni but maths will have let me down a bit, given that I was considering not going to uni though I'm not too fussed about where I go really. Being honest when I leave I'll probably just get working for a friends business anyway.
I do agree with Nigel here. FdA's generally don't run full-time, which is perfect if you need to work, if not, you're better in A-levels or BTECs.

I did a BTEC, it got me to University, and ahead of A-levellers I've got more experience. That means i'm more employable.

Yep, if you need to work, go for it, they are pretty much designed for people with commitments of that more than your typical student.

What kind of media do you want to do, Lee?
Yep, if you need to work, go for it, they are pretty much designed for people with commitments of that more than your typical student.

What kind of media do you want to do, Lee?
Print journalism.

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