Education Thread

Who are better? Male or female teachers?

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I found out today, that tomorrow I've got a story due. To stay up late to finish (well, for starters, actually start) or get rolled? I think I'll attempt it, TBH.
Had my first two uni lectures this morning.

First one was fine. I have a cold but coped fine. The second was an hour later and in that hour I went through the seeing funny lights, lethargy and normal stage of a migrane onset, then as I entered the lecture theatre hit the "OMFG WHY IS THE THE ENTIRE CROWD OF A BOCA JUNIORS Vs RIVER PLATE MATCH INSIDE OF MY HEAD" stage.

Tune out and make notes I can recap later? not a chance. My pen ran out. Luckily it was mainly an introductory lecture, in a module I could probably sit now and pass.

Although it's not looking good for my job interview tonight.
I sympathise. I sound like a frog when I try and speak and some guy is fixing our ceiling and it feels like he is hitting my head with the hammer, not the ceiling. Luckily no lectures today though, it all starts tomorrow :(
The migraine has pretty much cleared up now. Mine tend not to last long which isn't bad.

Drink plenty of water and I'm back to normal around 3-4 hours later.
Make notes in a lecture? I gave that up fairly quickly...
If you have to attend them then try and actually listen. Failing that just doodle on a piece of paper for an hour.
Don't do what someone did in my British History lecture in first year and start reading the paper. The lecturer went ape and kicked him out.
Wow. I'm so glad there are no seminars in the first week. Boring as fudge that lecture was.
20 a week when it gets up and running properly.

And I've just got back from an interview, which if I get the job, could see me working until 4am on week nights.

Viva L'?puisement.
George Best is a legend.

I had 14 hours sleep last night but Hamlet still sent me to sleep. Shakespeare, sort it out mate.
Colin, you majored in US History, right?

Who in the right mind would take that? :p I took an AP (College Level) US History course last year, so damn boring! Everyone is named George or John or something with a generic last name, there's a war like every 2 years, useless battles in the middle, and the treaties and stuff had similar names too! (Treaty of Paris being one, did it even have anything to do with Paris?!)

Yeah, you're a weirdo :p.
I majored in American and Scottish history yeah. Studied Jefferson to death. I'm not too into all the battles and treaties either but I love the politics.
TJ's views on church and state plus his Unitarianism are fascinating.

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