Education Thread

Who are better? Male or female teachers?

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Had two tests today (I'm an Apprentice Electrician, so study at TAFE once a week for theory) and passed them both... 70% is a pass. First test I got 66%, I was so angry, one bloody mark off. I went and looked through the paper to see if I could scab a mark from somewhere to push it to 70.. Nope. But the teacher' calculator was "broken" and he accidentally marked one question wrong when it was "right". Extra mark, 70%, thank you very much. :p

Got 78% on the other one.. Had to write down a lot of answers on my arm. I've got a shocking memory.
Amagad, I have my first Calculus exam tomorrow. :eek: I've got to start the year on a positive note, (especially after a horrible quiz in which I scored 78% or something like that) and I'm aiming for a 95%. Looking through this review sheet though, I am totally gonna fail.
Unsure of whether to apply to uni's this year or have a gap year.

I would quite like to hang around at the minute because I'm enjoying myself atm and I would like to give regular work ago rather than come straight out of uni with just a degree and a sore head. Plus I would probably have a better chance of getting accepted as my maths grade is crap because I sort of messed up, long story, whereas by the end of this year I expect it to return to a good grade but obviously uni's will not know that. It would be a good excuse to spend more time in Portugal and try learning the language properly.

Or just apply to university and save myself the effort of applying next year without the same help from school.
Thing about a gap year is (from talking to people who took one) you gotta make it count. If you just use it to bum around, you are an idiot. Best get work, or learn something, basically make it worthwhile. Also if you get a job can really help you financially at uni. End of the day it is down to you and how you are as a person, I personally suited just going straight into uni and enjoying the summer beforehand, but you might want to sample work beforehand. End of the day whatever you do, just make sure that you make the year count :)
Thing about a gap year is (from talking to people who took one) you gotta make it count. If you just use it to bum around, you are an idiot. Best get work, or learn something, basically make it worthwhile. Also if you get a job can really help you financially at uni. End of the day it is down to you and how you are as a person, I personally suited just going straight into uni and enjoying the summer beforehand, but you might want to sample work beforehand. End of the day whatever you do, just make sure that you make the year count :)

It will make getting into a good uni a lot easier which is the main thing and my mum will never let me bum around :p I would like to learn a new language too because I spend so much time in Portugal I feel like a twat not speaking it.
Then you should probs go for it, and enjoy it, as long as you don't end up putting yourself in debt before you start uni lol. Regarding that. I started 1st year, with ?1.2K in the bank and ended the year with only ?400, so if you do decide to go on a gap year try not to waste it all on booze and nights out ;)
Well that would be difficult. My money just goes away. Although if I'm working full days for 4 or 5 days a week and still having food and everything payed for I would have to spend a lot on booze, petrol and crap to use up all my cash before I go to uni.
Tom's back lol. I was thinking you haven't posted for a bit. If you're gonna take a gap year, don't bum around. Get a job or do something memorable.

The children of the future are screwed! 8 hours is a pain free and short day.

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