Education Thread

Who are better? Male or female teachers?

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There's actually been some revisionism of the revisionism on that. "Dusky" Sally was only black in genetic terms. According to the latest thinking she would have looked white making it seem more acceptable to big Tom.
Unsure of whether to apply to uni's this year or have a gap year.

I would quite like to hang around at the minute because I'm enjoying myself atm and I would like to give regular work ago rather than come straight out of uni with just a degree and a sore head. Plus I would probably have a better chance of getting accepted as my maths grade is crap because I sort of messed up, long story, whereas by the end of this year I expect it to return to a good grade but obviously uni's will not know that. It would be a good excuse to spend more time in Portugal and try learning the language properly.

Or just apply to university and save myself the effort of applying next year without the same help from school.

I finished school at the end of 2007 and I decided to go with the gap year, I wasn't really sure what to do tbh. Scored a job at Fonterra earning $24 an hour. I was there for two 1/2 weeks before getting pretty badly injured, spent eight months that year doing nothing but rehab and ACC paying 80% of my wage. Ended up saving a shitload of money for this year and had a really good time (2-3 months after getting injured of course).

It was probably the best thing I could do, the year of really got me focused on school work again because I did very little in 7th form.
Ouch, did a cow fall on you?


Having a bit of a tidy up, counted 35 pieces of paper from college induction! Oh joy.

Still we're pretty much "into it" now. Tuesday's and Thursday's are kitchen time, Monday's and Wednesday's are business time.
Surprisingly no :spy

Nah I broke my femur playing cricket of all things.
First lecture and it reminded me why I went to no lectures last year!!! Seriously, mundane. Spent the whole time either texting or talking. Complete waste of time these introduction lectures especially as it is all online. Could have been here watching the cricket instead. Hopefully from tomorrow we might actually learn something :sarcasm
I finished school at the end of 2007 and I decided to go with the gap year, I wasn't really sure what to do tbh. Scored a job at Fonterra earning $24 an hour. I was there for two 1/2 weeks before getting pretty badly injured, spent eight months that year doing nothing but rehab and ACC paying 80% of my wage. Ended up saving a shitload of money for this year and had a really good time (2-3 months after getting injured of course).

It was probably the best thing I could do, the year of really got me focused on school work again because I did very little in 7th form.

I definitely want to it's just convincing the parents, I'll apply and then just see how it goes, still worthwhile going through the process with all the help and stuff from school even if I don't go.
I definitely want to it's just convincing the parents, I'll apply and then just see how it goes, still worthwhile going through the process with all the help and stuff from school even if I don't go.

Yea it probably is. Found it quite annoying doing it by myself.

What are you doing, doorman?

Poker dealer in a casino. I heard back a few hours ago and begin training on monday.

It's dealing in tournaments, so basically my hours will be 8pm start - enough players have been kicked out (or if I deal till the end it ends) which could be 10pm. Could be the early hours.

There's actually been some revisionism of the revisionism on that. "Dusky" Sally was only black in genetic terms. According to the latest thinking she would have looked white making it seem more acceptable to big Tom.

This reminds of the Louis thereux (sp) weird weekend where he investigates Black power (Him being arrested at an Al Sharpton rally is superb) and he is interviewing the Black Israelites who believe, amongst other things, that most historical figures were black (Henry VIII, Shakespeare etc.) and that white people are covering it up.

One of the leaders then says this immortal speech which slayed me.

"There is even a famous singer now who is a Black Man, but no-one knows. Guess? He dances like a black man, sings like a black man and has hair like a black man. But looks like a white man. Who is it? Go on, tell me? You know who it is"

"TOM JONES. Tom Jones is a Black man".
Saw something in our college department about a management training programme. Involved spending 6 months in 4 varying departments, then finishing of with a management certificate and a job within the company. Something I'll look in to. I'm just so half-half on Uni. I'm 22 next year, I want to go out and work, if I can learn and work, great. If it fails, I can still go back to Uni.
Ginormous physics exam tomorrow, I don't understand any of the crap in the review sheets, it's 12:32 AM and I'm sitting here wasting time on PC. Thanks alot guys. :p :sarcasm
Physics love it, would say I'd help you, but the exam has been and gone. Do tell!

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