Education Thread

Who are better? Male or female teachers?

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Update on my physics test guys. I got a 69.9% (Bumped up to a 70) giving my a C-. Feelin real bad.

My worst test ever, my last worst being an 84 which was a B. I was basically forced into 24x7 studying then, wonder what will happen to me now...

Where in the world, IS PC WORLD?

Noo.. umm but in all seriousness where the hell is 70% a C! I mean in even some IB Subjects 70% is a 6! In Econ it's basically a 7!

But like Baker.. said there really is no hope for you now.. you've failed. But if you were the only person to get a C- and everyone else got A's and B's then you should be upset but if all of your class got C's and D's.. maybe there is nothing to worry about.
Where in the world, IS PC WORLD?

Noo.. umm but in all seriousness where the hell is 70% a C! I mean in even some IB Subjects 70% is a 6! In Econ it's basically a 7!

But like Baker.. said there really is no hope for you now.. you've failed. But if you were the only person to get a C- and everyone else got A's and B's then you should be upset but if all of your class got C's and D's.. maybe there is nothing to worry about.

Yeah, but that's on the final exam, not in the classes that lead upto the IB finals. And I think that's only in the HLs.
Noo.. umm but in all seriousness where the hell is 70% a C! I mean in even some IB Subjects 70% is a 6! In Econ it's basically a 7!

Wait!!! WTF? For IB the higher the number the better the mark was? Crap, was going through CV's for potential interviews at work as the manager and assisstant manager are away and the team leader needed some help and I came across one which had IB and I tossed it away cause I thought that cause it was all 6's and 7's she was thick. Crap....:( Then again, if any of them were hot when they handed in the CV I put them in the interview pile so meh, I doubt my selection method was working anyway :p
Yes you ******, the lower the number the worse you have done! Muppet :rtfl
Wow, I am just awesome at this sort of stuff. My policy of accepting on looks is still relevant in the retail industry I feel. If they are ugly, fat, spotty, or in any way not attractive they can't have a job. Life's a bitch sometimes, but you gotta look good when selling :) Pretty sure that because I am next in line for team leader I get to sit in on the interviews :D
Even if he did, he's not their boss.

EDIT: Get what you mean now.

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