Education Thread

Who are better? Male or female teachers?

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We didn't read the King Lear thing, but we did analyze how the more 'backward class' characters in Macbeth end up, as you said, making the prophesy come true in the story. (Or something like that).
Pfft. I did Macbeth too. At O levels. There is so much depth and so many themes and so much symbolism to write about, essay answers on that were generally easy.
My extended essay is on how the minor characters in King Lear and Macbeth (The Three Witches, Kent, the Fool), who ironically all belong to the lower end of the socioeconomic stratum, create an aura of fateful prophecy.

Higher Levels
English A1
Visual Arts

Standard Levels

Well I'm only in my first year of the IB but have already been thinking about what I'm gonna do my extended essay on.. my current choice is 'The Completion Rates of Pick Up Lines on a night out' - and to all those non IB'ers who think I get to go and try this out.. I don't because it falls under the psychology course and it means you have to use other people's data. So Yes there has been tests done on this!

We have done pretty much the same subjects.. mine are;

Higher Levels
English A1

Standard Levels
Spanish Ab initio.
That is the best ever title for an essay. Shame you can't try the practical part of it out though ;) Then again, what lines do you need for a Thai hooker? :p *cough cough OLLIE!!! :p*
That is the best ever title for an essay. Shame you can't try the practical part of it out though ;) Then again, what lines do you need for a Thai hooker? :p *cough cough OLLIE!!! :p*

Fell out of the bed last time you did it cos you got cramp? WHAT?
Half-term is approaching fast, one more week and I get a week off. Tbh, my weeks aren't too long, I'm used to long days, after half-term I have 3 full days, and a half day on Tuesday. (well, Thursday I finish about 9, start at 1:30 or 3:30 pending if I want to do work or not!)

I've got some bit of a unit to do for Monday, regarding to our Alcohol unit.

Loving this year so far.

How are others doing?
Well I get Monday's and Friday's off and now that I am single again I don't even need to worry about going back home for the weekends. Of course I've been doing tons of work at Clarks, so am earning a fortune. With actual uni, not much has been happening. Going to lectures though, which is a big improvement on last year :p
Random fact now, but you realise we don't even sell shoe polish now. We sell this random leather cream. It confuses old people so much lol, which makes it so easy to sell cause in the end they just say stick it in the box and we get absolutetly worshiped by the big wigs for selling it.

I don't see how that is related to education in any way but meh, I'm not exactly sober :p
On my least busy day in uni I am still there for 3 hours (2 lectures, but with an hour gap in between)

Days off simply don't exist. I've just found out that my mate has a week off, too. A "reading week" what's that all about? Can he not read on his days off, or massive amounts of free time?

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