I'm going to CERN - school trip. I'm not sure about physics research. My teachers have slightly put me off it, intentionally or not. Pay is too low for my liking, and research jobs aren't aplenty.Sorry, managed to miss that I'd love to go into physics research (I'm going to CERN the week before half term as the prize for a competition that a group I was in won) but there's a lot of competition for that. That's the advantage of physics though, I can go into anything with a physics degree. I'm likely to get headhunted towards the end of my degree (apparently) so I'll have a look what's on offer.
Nap-time! They still do that in secondary school actually. It's under a different name though. R.E.
Nah, they were honing your skills, bring in your own milk, essentially meant nick it off a class mate .
I think it was just to see what milk Scousers drank.
Everytime I went anywhere near the fat Uder look-a-like lad they'd immediately make me stand in the corner because they felt i'd nick his milk. As if! He'd just eat me.
Ya mam's.
Nap-time! They still do that in secondary school actually. It's under a different name though. R.E.