I have a questionv -why exactly is UK a bad place for Engineering? Is it just because there are better options, or any other reasons?
Basically it is that there are better places elsewhere. Only reason I get. India, USA, Singapore, there is a nice place in Hong Kong, Australia is supposedly good although I am not sure why. Don't get a reason why it is bad, just the reason that there are better places.
Nah, it's allright. I'm not going to the UK, was just wondering.Engineering standards in the UK are exceptional in many sectors. But the industry can't compete with countries where workers work longer, for a lot less money. Doing a degree in Engineering in the UK would be an excellent choice. My point is that the state of the industry will be a problem for many years to come. I can do some research (asking people I know within the industry) on good uni's in the UK for engineering if you want me to.
Got an Offer from Leeds for Biotechnology. Interview for Manchester next week.
Need to hear from Cambridge, Imperial and UCL.