England in Australia

This is the difference between Strauss and Flintoff. Strauss has used Monty a fair bit in an attacking way and probably said to Giles get me some wickets or your not gonna bowl. More good points: Panesar run-out :D, Jimmy in some form, Reads keeping is still sound despite not playing the tests, Vaughan back on the field and as captain for some parts and the fact is wasn't a total disaster. This day proves that Struass really should be captain.

And why didn't Australia pick Chris Rogers?!?! 638 runs so far in the pura cup and 66 today.

England XI team
AJ Strauss, AN Cook, EC Joyce, MP Vaughan, GO Jones, CMW Read, MS Panesar, LE Plunkett, AF Giles, SI Mahmood, JM Anderson, SJ Harmison

And for anyone that cares that isn't the real team Read is the keeper and Plunkett has a dislocated finger.
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Drewska said:
And why didn't Australia pick Chris Rogers?!?! 638 runs so far in the pura cup and 66 today.
Even if they were willing to pick an opener to bat down the order it'd probably be Jaques anyway, in all likelihood Rogers will get a chance to replace one of Hayden and Langer when they retire.
plympilgrim said:
its a bit like lewis, he is outstanding in the odi matches just can't play tests, i say they should bring back adam hollioake and alec stewart

Difference is Lewis would be our most accurate bowler if he played. He will always be accurate. It wouldn't bother me if he played in one of the Ashes tests as I know he'll be hitting the spot more often than not.

ZoraxDoom said:
I think he is. His name is on the scorecard.
Vaughan, MP

Panesar, MS 23.0 6 58 1 0 0
Giles, AF 6.1 0 27 0 0 0

Hmmm...tough choice ay Feddie? :rolleyes:
Is Strauss skippering this game? Cause if it were Freddie, it would be the other way around :)

Panesar got a runout :D

Anyone know how the runout happened that Monty got?

Direct hit from the fence? ;)
In reference to England's loss in the game at Lilac Hill, how come whenever countries other than Australia lose a practice game it is no big deal and barely makes a ripple but when Australia loses are tour match all hell breaks loose and the media go ballistic (eg, Aus losing to a county team in a one dayer last year).
symonds_sixes said:
In reference to England's loss in the game at Lilac Hill, how come whenever countries other than Australia lose a practice game it is no big deal and barely makes a ripple but when Australia loses are tour match all hell breaks loose and the media go ballistic (eg, Aus losing to a county team in a one dayer last year).

The fact, Alec Stewart, Robin Smith and Adam Hollioake were part of the team tells you how seriously it was taken. Had it been a serious warm-up like the current one, then it would be a worry.

Other players included were:
Ed Joyce (back up), Owais Shah (academy), Read (back up), Bopara (academy), Dalrymple (academy), Plunkett (back up and first game on tour IIRC), Mahmood (back up), Panesar (back up :rolleyes: ), Lewis (academy).

Not one member of that team has played in the test series.
Drewska said:
And why didn't Australia pick Chris Rogers?!?! 638 runs so far in the pura cup and 66 today.
Half of those runs came in an impressive draw against Victoria. As much as we all love first innings points, it's a very useless item when trying for Aussie selection.

In 8 years as an opening and top order batsman, he has one OD century. You might look at that as nothing, but the selectors are keen to choose players who can handle whatever task is give to them. They aren't game to give the prize to players who aren't known to dominate in higher pressure situations. Hence the lenience granted to Clarke and also Symonds. Voges very much looks like the kind of player that is what selectors yearn for. A 27 year old, he plays tough cricket, is good value when the chips are down and even better value when there are plenty of chips.
symonds_sixes said:
In reference to England's loss in the game at Lilac Hill, how come whenever countries other than Australia lose a practice game it is no big deal and barely makes a ripple but when Australia loses are tour match all hell breaks loose and the media go ballistic (eg, Aus losing to a county team in a one dayer last year).

Possibly becuase it was:
a) Australias best team
b) They scored 342
c) It was somerset who aren't too good.

The tour games in Australia are usually much harder than English tour games becuase of the better standard of domestic teams.
Sureshot said:
That probably spun more too....

LOL! :laugh

Out of interest, has anyone seen Sky's promo advert for the third Test? I'm sure they are having a sly dig at Fred/Fletch's Gilo preference and their Monty neglegence. It says "Who will be England's saviour?" whilst showing a picture of Monty running on as a sub. Go Sky! :)
Drewska said:
And why didn't Australia pick Chris Rogers?!?! 638 runs so far in the pura cup and 66 today.

Clearly the selectors see him as an opener so like Jaques he will only be picked if their is an opening spot free.
angryangy said:
Half of those runs came in an impressive draw against Victoria. As much as we all love first innings points, it's a very useless item when trying for Aussie selection.

In 8 years as an opening and top order batsman, he has one OD century. You might look at that as nothing, but the selectors are keen to choose players who can handle whatever task is give to them. They aren't game to give the prize to players who aren't known to dominate in higher pressure situations. Hence the lenience granted to Clarke and also Symonds. Voges very much looks like the kind of player that is what selectors yearn for. A 27 year old, he plays tough cricket, is good value when the chips are down and even better value when there are plenty of chips.

Yeah excellent points, on paper Rogers looks great, but sometimes you have look a little deepers or go with some other measures as well. In any case, Jaques would be the first guy selected to open and I'd say he'd be ahead of Rogers if selectors considered them at #4 as well. But, it hardly matters - I reckon the selectors have Watson pegged as the #4 for the next 10 years, Hussey is good at #5 in a Steve Waugh type way so I hope they don't move him up to 4, and then Clarke and Gilchrist following to punish tired attacks.

This Eng v WA match looks like a straight bowl off. Monty v Giles (Monty winning so far), and Saj v Jimmy (Jimmy winning so far).
Been a good start for the English openers so far. Strauss just needs to convert this start into a big knock which would do his confidence a world of good. It's too bad Hogg isn't playing this match as hes WA form spinner although Heal's doing a dam fine job too.

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