England in New Zealand

How inspirational is this! NZ were hammered and down after the twenty20, verbally abused by their media and they copped it from their fans. To just turn it around and thrash a team in great momentum is just amazing. This shows a great characteristic of this team and while Vettori deserves credit i believe everyone picked themselves up and played a class above England. Well done. Now we just need India to mirror it tomorrow and it'll be the perfect weekend.
WOOOO! Good win. Absolute thrashing. Nice to deal back a hiding like that after getting beaten twice. This makes up for both. That kick in the butt might have helped us quite a bit.

Great to have a win, especially such a big one like that.

^ Well it is a different game. I was really sure we'd put up a better performance. Especially with time to recover if things went bad.

I don't think England can blame the pitch, they just didn't adapt. NZ showed it's fine to bat on.
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Awful, What was Colly doing!

Only positive is Broad, Anderson was awful and the batters should be sent to the gallows. I am amazed we didn't play Dimi, he is suited for these conditions and as much as I love him I think Bopara isn't quite as strong as he was in this team. I also don't think we need Swann, these pitches don't really suit him. Colly and Dimi could do a good job with 20 overs over there.

Damn. Well done New Zealand, credit where its due.
Well that was worth staying up for, still lack a batsmen with character, oh well Broads shown why he's got to be a regular and is a real positive. Batting, well not one of them looked comfortable on that wicket apart from possibly Mustard who I thought looked quite god after he got started. I don't know why all our fans were expecting a win anyway, oh well this happened in the first ODI in Sri Lanka, bring in Dimi and we'll be ok.

Moores has made a big mistake taking Tredwell imo, we should have taken an extra seamer like Onions or Plunkett (even if he is shockingly out of form, we know he can do it at this level)
This is capitulation by ENgland, where were that polished, top class effort from 20 20? I mean, they scored less in 50 what they scored in 20 overs.

148 opps. :P (Aussie score)

2nd ODI will be entertaining and much closer I think. England still have the talent to burn compared to ours. But one thing is for sure though, we do field better than you guys, if we lacked batsmen and bowlers.
We didn't adjust, and as Chris Martin said it really didn't look like we had a plan B. We've been lucky so far in having two really good pitches that our batters were always going to love, but it was a matter of time before we got one that we do a lot, and we just didn't seem like we'd ever prepared for that.

I thought Mustard did okay tbf. He reigned himself in well and showed the other side to his game which is nice to see. Broad as well, did himself some credit with the ball and looked impressive. The rest of the bowlers bowled too short on a pitch which you had to get them driving on.
Broads bowling average is now below his batting average, proper all rounder :D Despite Mustard looking like our best batsmen had he just smashed 30 off 10 balls instead it could have been completely different because the rate would never have gotten on top of us and KP wouldn't have come in under as much pressure, Cooks there to bat, as far as I care Mustard can just be a dirty slogger.
Broads bowling average is now below his batting average, proper all rounder :D Despite Mustard looking like our best batsmen had he just smashed 30 off 10 balls instead it could have been completely different because the rate would never have gotten on top of us and KP wouldn't have come in under as much pressure, Cooks there to bat, as far as I care Mustard can just be a dirty slogger.

Spot on. Not only would it ease the pressure on the incoming batsmen but also would cause the bowlers to change their lines and could disorient them, leading to worse bowling.
I'd just wrote half a post on how I think Mustard played it wrong today but then I realised Joe had beat me too it. Mustard's a pinch hitter, so surely his job is to pinch hit? He's got license to smack it around so he should use it.

It was an awful performance but i'll put it down to inexperience for now. If we do the same thign on Tuesday i'll be more critical. Come on England!
Well that was tragic.

Ya dear thats right but That tragic hurt someone so much who is the only no-english man who follow England cricket more than english man...:(
I woke up 3:30 RST not to watch guys running like fool...I am so disappointed specially because potentially England was so strong then newzeland..They were on top at 20-20 but suddenly don't know what happened to them??
There were no reason to drop DIMITRI....Bopara was also not best of his form..
But i know england will bounce back surely....They have to...:(

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